Malware analysis
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Malware analysis

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Article summary

Malware analysis is a feature of GO Endpoint Manager for Windows that allows you to evaluate binaries for which the user requests elevation of privilege. For the analysis, the binary will be forwarded to the Virus Total online service and evaluated. The binary only runs when categorized as clean on that service.


The Malware Scan feature is not a substitute for an antivirus solution, nor should it be confused as such. This feature reinforces the protection of credentials used by users.

Configure malware analysis

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.

  2. Go to GO Endpoint Manager ➔ Settings ➔ Parameters.

  3. Under General settings, enable the parameter Enable application malware and reputation scan.

  4. Enter the Virus Total API token in the Virus total API token field.

  5. Click Save.

Analyze a program in GO

  1. Access the desktop of the user's workstation.
  2. Start the Core application.
  3. Click on the Execute menu.
  4. Choose an available application from the list.
  5. Right-click and choose Analyze Program.
  6. Click OK when the message This file is going to be scanned for malware; it may take a few moments; please wait is displayed.
  7. In the Analysis Result column, the program under analysis displays the status "Analyzing...".
While the program is in the analysis process, GO Endpoint Manager will not allow execution. After analysis, the program can be executed.

Read more

You can get a list of all scans performed on workstations in the Malware scan results report.

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