Import process details
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Import process details

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Article summary

This article provides all the information about icons and fields that you need to know for the batch import process details.

Path for access

  1. At the senhasegura platform, in the upper left corner, click on the Grid Menu ⁝⁝⁝ and select MySafe.
  2. Select Batch import.
  3. In the Action column, click on the icon represented by the list of the selected item.

Report field

IDSequential number identifying the order of imports.
FileImported file name.
Request dateDate when the import was requested.
RequesterName of the user who performed the import.
TypeImport file type.
LocaleLanguage used in the platform during the import.
MessageInformation message about the file's status. If there's an error, it will be described in this field.
StatusImport file statuses: Waiting, Finished, or Error processing.
LinesNumber of lines in the file.
UsersNumber of users in the file.
Lines with errorNumber of lines where errors occurred during processing.
StartDate and time when the file processing started.
EndDate and time when the file processing ended.
ProgressPercentage of file completion.
ErrorYes or No values to inform if there was an error during file processing.

Action button

  • Download log file: button to download the log file containing detailed information about each line in the imported file.

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