How to modify Database Proxy port number
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How to modify Database Proxy port number

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Article summary


On the Database Proxy installation, this configuration is automatic with a default port number. Perform these steps only if the port number that you use isn’t the default number.

This article will guide you through a step-by-step process on how to set up a database to use it as a Database Proxy. This configuration is only necessary when the port number that you use in your database isn’t the default number.


Set up the database


The command line must be typed inside an SSH admin session into the vault, using an application of your preference.

  1. With the SSH admin session initialized.

    The values bind-port and listen_port, must be filled in with the port number used in your database.

MS SQL Server database

  1. At the session home screen, open the file proxy-db-mssql.conf, type:
    1. vim/etc/senhasegura/proxy-db-mssql.conf
    2. Change the bind-port value according to the used port number.
    3. Press ESC.
    4. Type :wq.
    5. Press Enter.
  2. At the home screen type:
    1. systemctl restart proxy-db-mssql
  3. Close the SSH admin session.

PostgreSQL database

  1. At the session home screen, open the file pgbouncer.ini, type:
    1. vim/etc/senhasegura/pgbouncer.ini
    2. Change the listen_port value according to the used port number.
    3. Press ESC.
    4. Type :wq.
    5. Press Enter.
  2. At the home screen type:
    1. systemctl restart proxy-db-postgresql
  3. Close the SSH admin session.

Oracle database

  1. At the session home screen, open the file proxy-db-oracle.conf, type:
    1. vim/etc/senhasegura/proxy-db-oracle.conf
    2. Change the bind-port value according to the used port number.
    3. Press ESC.
    4. Type :wq.
    5. Press Enter.
  2. At the home screen type:
    1. systemctl restart proxy-db-oracle
  3. Close the SSH admin session.

After all these steps, the database setup is finished.


How to configure the Database Proxy access device
Database Proxy

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