My execution request
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My execution request

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Article summary

This document contains detailed information about the My execution requests report, where you can view all the commands request that was made by you.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click on the Grid Menu, identified by the nine squares, and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Access control > Audited commands > My execution request.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, it refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon, it shows all the possible actions for the report.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon, it opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the paper sheet icon, it downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon, it opens the Schedule report form.

Search fields

IDIdentification number for the request.
OperationOperation type that has been requested. In this case, it will always be ‘Command execution request’.
Access groupGroup the user belongs.
RequesterName from the user that is requesting.
Request dateDate and time the request was made.
untilFinal date for searching the requests.
StatusRequest status, such as Pending, Approved, Rejected and Expired.
GovernanceID code for ITSM software (IT Service Management).
ReasonThe reason why the user needs to run the requested command.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Operation.
  • Access group.
  • Requester.
  • Request on.
  • Status.
  • Expiration.
  • Governance.
  • Reason.
  • Action.
    • Magnifying glass icon: open the Request details page

The report only displays 30 lines per page. To go to the next ones, click on the advance buttons at the end of the report.

Request details page

RequesterName from the user that is requesting.
Command execution requestOperation type that has been requested.
StatusRequest status, such as Pending, Approved, Rejected and Expired.
IDIdentification number for the request.
Access groupGroup the user belongs to.
Requested inDate and time the request was made.
ExpirationEnd date that the request will expire automatically.
ApprovalsNumber of approvals.
DisapprovalsNumber of disapprovals.
ApproverApprover’s name.
LevelApprover’s level.
ResponseApprover’s answer, such as: Not answered, Approved and Rejected.
DateDate from the approver’s answer.
JustificationApprover’s justification.
Governance IDID code for ITSM software .
ReasonThe reason why the user needs to run the requested command.
Request detailsSummary of the request information.

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