Reference for Application settings
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Reference for Application settings

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Article summary

In this document, you will find all the information about the Activation menu of the Orbit Web interface.

Access Path

  1. In senhasegura, at the top left corner, click on the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Orbit Config Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Settings > Application.

Application Settings

Enable ApplicationAn instance can be Activated or Deactivated. The Activated status indicates that this instance can be accessed by users in all functionalities. When Deactivated, only administrators can log in and will be limited to using only the Orbit web interface.
Enable RobotsDetermines whether the instance will run asynchronous tasks or not.
Restart process every minuteIndicates if asynchronous services should be restarted every minute during idle periods.
Company NameThe company name
Application titleThis title will be displayed as page titles and can be customized by the client.
Application URLURL to be used in the configuration of other senhasegura services for communication.
Virtual IP AddressAllows access to a Virtual IP Load Balancer (VIP).
Clear all aacheThis button allows clearing the caches generated by senhasegura.
Notification e-mailList of emails that will receive incident notifications issued by Orbit.

Zabbix Configuration

Use TLSChoose whether to use TLS protocol or not.
Server IP 1Destination server data.
Server Port 1Destination server data.
Server IP 2Destination server data.
Server IP 3Destination server data.
Server Port 3Destination server data.
Listen IPInstance access interface IP.
Listen portInstance access interface port.

Syslog Configuration

Message formatRefers to the selected message format to be sent, which can be CEF, Syslog (RFC 5424), or Sensage.
Notification pluginUsed only in cases of paid customization projects. Keep this field with its default value. It is not recommended to manipulate this control without the supervision of the support team.
Message sending protocolChoose between TCP or UDP.
Network ConnectorRefers to the network connector to send the message.
Use Network Connector?Indicates whether the selected network connector will be used in the Syslog message sending configuration.
Servers for message sendingA list of IPv4 servers, separated by commas, that will receive the messages.
SaveButton to save the configurations.

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