SAML providers
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SAML providers

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Article summary

This document provides a general overview about the SAML providers functionality.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the top left corner, click Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Settings
  2. In the side menu, select Authentication > SAML > Providers.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, it refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon, it shows all the possible actions for the report.
New providerRepresented by the plus icon, it opens the SAML provider screen.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon, it opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the paper sheet icon, it downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon, it opens the Schedule report form.

Search fields

IDSAML provider code in senhasegura.
TypeDrop-down menu to select the type of SAML provider. The options are Azure, KeyCloak, Okta, and SAML provider.
Entity IDClientIdorEntityIdof the SAML application.
SAML provider metadata URLURL responsible for the provider's metadata.
EnabledDrop-down menu to select the status of the SAML provider. The options are Yes or No.
EnvironmentDrop-down menu to select the SAML provider environment. The options are Domum Remote Accessor Local.

Report fields

The results of the list are shown below:

  • ID.
  • Type.
  • Entity ID.
  • SAML provider metadata URL.
  • Enabled.
  • Environment.
  • In the Action column, you have two options:
    • Update provider: represented by the pencil and paper icon, opens the SAML Provider Registration window.
    • Delete provider: represented by the trash can icon, deletes the SAML provider.

SAML provider registration window

By clicking on View actions > New provider, the registration window for the new SAML provider will open. You'll see the following fields:

General information tab

TypeDrop-down menu for registering the type of SAML provider.
EnabledRadio button for selecting the status of the SAML provider to be opened. By default, it is set toYes.
EnvironmentRadio button for selecting the environment in which the SAML provider will be involved. It can beLocal or Domum Remote Access.
Entity IDField to register theClientIDorEntityID.
SAML provider metadata URLField for registering application/realm metadata.
Domain or public IP for redirect URLField for registering senhasegura's domain or public IP.
Redirect URLURL do redirect.
CommentField for registering comments relating to the SAML provider.
SSO Sign-in URLHTTP-Redirect BindURL.
SSO Sign-out URLHTTP-Redirect Bind URL.
Type of Redirect BindingDrop-down menu for choosing the type of Redirect Binding for the SAML provider.

Aba SAML de segurança

It only contains the Certificate field (PEM format), where you must paste your certificate.

Please note that all the settings in the SAML security tab must be strictly the same as those configured in the Identity Provider (IDP) to ensure that SAML works properly. Any discrepancies will result in authentication failures.

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