About Related Users
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About Related Users

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Article summary

The Related Users function in senhasegura allows associating a single system user with multiple credential usernames used across various devices. This is done through the use of the [#USERNAME#] mask in access group criteria.

How does this work in practice?

Let's use the example of a user named Alice Woods. In senhasegura, her username is awoods. However, in the company, Alice uses the username woods to access device A and alicewoods to access device B.

Standard use of the [#USERNAME#] mask

In a conventional scenario, when using the [#USERNAME#] mask in an access group, the associated credentials are those that strictly correspond to the username in senhasegura, which, in Alice's case, is awoods. This means that, without additional adjustments, only the credentials linked to awoods would be accessible through this group.

Expanding access with Related Users

With the Related Users functionality, it's possible to extend Alice's access to other usernames associated with her. By configuring alicewoods as a Related User for Alice, the use of the [#USERNAME#] mask in an access group can then include credentials associated with both awoods (the default name) and alicewoods (the related name).

This functionality ensures greater flexibility and efficiency in managing user access to various devices, simplifying the authentication process without compromising security.

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