How to set up an e-mail account for notifications
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How to set up an e-mail account for notifications

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Article summary

Setting up an email account in senhasegura allows the application to send notifications about different actions, such as changing a password before a certificate expires or suspicious access.

It’s important to include valid email addresses because approvers receive access requests by email. Likewise, requesters receive their disapproval or approval responses.


  • client_id, client_secret, and tenant_id: OAuth2 of the chosen e-mail provider.

The senhasegura solution's registration process involves using the chosen provider's APIs.


Follow the links below to obtain the client_id, client_secret, and tenant-id information for the API and thus register the senhasegura solution within your email provider.


You can get an overview of the possible commands by running orbit email-oauth2-proxy -help.

How to run the email-oauth2-proxy command

After obtaining the client_id, client_secret, and tenant-id values, configure the senhasegura solution, in particular the email-oauth2-proxy component. The example below uses the steps needed to configure senhasegura with the Microsoft Office 365 service.

  1. Access the senhasegura server using SSH with the port 59022.
  2. Log in with the administrative user mt4adm.
  3. Use the command orbit email-oauth2-proxy register with the client_id, client_secret, and tenant-id and the following parameters:
orbit email-oauth2-proxy register \ \
 --imap-server-port=993 \ \
 --smtp-server-port=587 \
 --smtp-server-starttls \
 --oauth2-token-url=" " \
 --oauth2-permission-url=" " \
 --oauth2-scope=" offline_access " \
 --oauth2-flow="client_credentials" \
 --oauth2-client-id="CLIENT_ID" \
 --oauth2-client-secret="CLIENT_SECRET" \

Below you can see an example of a configuration file for Microsoft Office 365:

delete_account_token_on_password_error = True
encrypt_client_secret_on_first_use = False
allow_catch_all_accounts = True
server_address =
server_port = 993
server_address =
server_port = 587
starttls = True
redirect_uri = http://<Your_Vault_Address>/email-oauth2-proxy-authorize/
redirect_list_address =
token_url = [](
permission_url =
oauth2_scope = offline_access
client_id = CLIENT_ID
client_secret = CLIENT_SECRET
oauth2_flow = client_credentials

How to configure senhasegura's SMTP service


You must have an active SMTP account with the Default Account field set to Yes so that the SMTP system can send emails.

After the initial configuration of email-oauth2-proxy, you must configure senhasegura's SMTP service. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. On the senhasegura platform, in the top right-hand corner, click Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Settings.
  2. On the side menu, select Notifications > SMTP Configuration.
  3. Create a new SMTP service configuration.
  4. Fill in the fields according to your account values:
    1. Account name: name of your account (for example, Office365).
    2. Active: leave Yes selected to activate the account.
    3. Sender e-mail: the e-mail address that will be used to send e-mails.
    4. Reply-To e-mail: the e-mail address that will receive reply e-mails.
    5. Return e-mail (Return-Path): the returning e-mail address in case of a sending error.
    6. Confirmation e-mail: the e-mail address to confirm sending.
  5. Default account: must be set to Yes.
  6. Send read confirmation: must be set to Yes.
  7. Force use of configuration: must be set to No.
  8. Enable footer: must be set to No.
  9. In the SMTP server configuration section, indicate the settings below:
    1. SMTP host: enter the address of the localhost server:
    2. Port: enter the port configured using the orbit email-oauth2-proxy register command. In the example above, the value is 2465.
    3. Use secure connection: check No.
    4. Secure connection type: leave it disabled (blank).
    5. Use authentication?: check Yes.
    6. Ignore certificate error: check Yes.
    7. Use Network Connector?: indicate whether or not you want to use the Network Connector.
    8. Network Connector: Indicate the specific Network Connector, if applicable.

By keeping the Network Connector field blank, the default Network Connector, as defined in Settings > System Parameters > Application > Network Connector, will be used.


This parameter will only take effect if there is any configured Network Connector.

  1. Click Send.

How to test the configuration

Once you have set up the SMTP connection, you need to test it. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. On the senhasegura platform, in the top right corner, click Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Settings.
  2. On the side menu, select Notifications > SMTP Settings.
  3. In the list of connections, identify the connection you created, and in the Action column, click on the icon represented by the three vertical dots and select Test configuration from the drop-down menu.
  4. In the Test e-mail - Account pop-up window, enter an e-mail address to test the configuration.

In case everything is correct, you’ll see a success message.

How to get the URL to validate the SMTP configuration

After configuring the SMTP access and testing messages, you can validate this configuration. To do this, you need to obtain the authorization access URL from the email-oauth2-proxy component by making a request to the Microsoft Office 365 API.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Run the command orbit email-oauth2-proxy logs in the terminal. In the command output, look for the message "Please visit the following URL to authenticate account" to get the validation URL.
  2. Copy the full URL and paste it into a browser.
  3. Log in to the account.

You should receive a message indicating that Email OAuth 2.0 authentication succeeded.

How to set up an IMAP account

  1. On the senhasegura platform, in the top right corner, click on Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Settings.
  2. On the side menu, select Notifications > IMAP/POP3 Configuration.
  3. Create a new IMAP service configuration.
  4. In the POP3/IMAP account registration pop-up window, fill in the fields:
    1. Account name: enter the e-mail account name.
    2. Keep copy on server: check Yes.
    3. Automatic check: check Yes.
    4. Active: check Yes.
  5. In the Server configuration section, fill in the fields:
    1. Address: enter the localhost address:
    2. Port: enter the port to be used: 2993.
    3. Protocol: select IMAP from the drop-down menu.
    4. Network connector (optional): if required, specify a network connector.
    5. Credential for authentication: enter the credential that will be used to authenticate with the IMAP server.
    6. Ignore certificate?: check Yes.
    7. Use secure connection: check No.
    8. Secure connection type: leave it disabled (blank).
    9. Use Network Connector?: indicate whether or not you want to use the Network Connector.
    10. Network Connector: Indicate the specific Network Connector, if applicable.

By keeping the Network Connector field blank, the default Network Connector, as defined in Settings > System Parameters > Application > Network Connector, will be used.


This parameter will only take effect if there is any configured Network Connector.

  1. Click Save.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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