POST | Create an authenticated URL for a web proxy session
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POST | Create an authenticated URL for a web proxy session

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Article summary

Create an authenticated URL to initiate a web proxy session in PAM Core.



POST api/pam/remote/session

Request parameters

Send the parameters below in the request body.

user - string - required - Username used to authenticate.

Note: must be a senhasegura registered user.

credential - string - required - Username of the credenial used in this web proxy session.

device - string - required - Hostname or IP address of the target device .

protocol - string - required - Network protocol (SSH, RDP, HTTPS, among others.).

remotedevice - string - Device ID, IP address or hostname for the web proxy session.Note: required only if the session uses domain credentials.

remoteAddr - string - IP address of the user.Note: this IP address will be used throughout the session.

port - int - Port used during the session.Note: by default, the session uses the chosen device port, unless specified otherwise.

remoteapp - int - RemoteApp ID.Note: only for RemoteApp sessions.

screensize - string - Screen resolution.

Example: 1900x1200

Example request

POST {{url}}/api/pam/remote/session

            "user": "dleite",
            "device": "",
            "protocol": "ssh"


   "code": 200,
   "response": {
       "status": 200,
       "message": "Session created successfully",
       "error": false,
       "error_code": 0,
       "detail": "",
       "Message": "Session created successfully",
       "erro": false,
       "cod_erro": 0
   "tenant": "senhasegura",
   "session": {
       "session_url": "",
       "token": "6a3afbb1************b32262"

Response body fields

session - object - Data of the created session.

    →session_url - string - URL to initiate the authenticated web proxy session.

    →token - string - Authentication token associated with the web proxy session.

The token value is sensitive and must remain confidential.


400 - Bad Request

Message: "Username not specified"

Possible cause: the required parameter username of the session wasn't informed.

Solution: provide a value for the username parameter and resend the request.

Message: "Credential not specified"

Possible cause: the required parameter credential for session authentication wasn't informed.

Solution: provide a value for the credential parameter and resend the request.

Message: "Credential device not specified"

Possible cause: the required parameter device of the session wasn't informed.

Solution: provide a value for the device parameter and resend the request.

Message: "Invalid protocol"

Possible cause: the required parameter protocol of the session wasn't informed.

Solution: informe um valor para o parâmetro protocol e envie
404 - Not Found

Message: "Resource sub not found"

Possible cause: the URL or the requested resource isn’t correct.

Solution: check the URL and make sure the parameter is correct.

500 - Internal Server Error

Message: "Unexpected error."

Possible cause: the error is in the senhasegura server.

Solution: contact the support team for more information.

Message: "You are not authorized to access this resource."

Possible cause: you don’t have the authorization to access this resource.

Solution: ask the administrator to check your permission to access the Web Proxy Session resources in A2A.

Client authentication failed

Message: "Client authentication failed."

Possible cause: failure in your application authentication with the senhasegura server.

Solution: check the authentication parameters such as Access Token URL, Client ID e Client secret and request a new access token.

Invalid signature

Message: "Invalid signature"

Possible cause: failure in recognizing the URL of the client application.

Solution: check the URL of the client application and resent the request.

No route matched with those values

Message: "No route matched with those values."

Possible cause: the authorization header is missing in the API request.

Solution: request a new access token.

Request timed out

Message: "Request timed out."

Possible cause: the request time has expired.

Solution: check the connectivity between the source of the request and the senhasegura server.

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