POST | Update SSH key
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POST | Update SSH key

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Article summary

Update an SSH key in PAM Core.



POST /api/pam/key

Request parameters

Send the parameters you want to update in the request body.

  • identifier - string - required - Unique string defined by the user or by senhasegura for identifying the credential.

    Note: this value is created by the user or automatically generated by senhasegura in POST | Create SSH key and is obtained in the response to the GET | List an SSH key by id.

  • ip - string - required - IP address of the main device associated with the SSH key.

  • hostname - string - required - Name of the main device associated with the SSH key.

  • private_key - string - required - Private key necessary for user authentication.


  • public_key - string - required - Public key that allows servers to verify the user's identity associated with the corresponding private key.

    Example: ssh-ed25519 C1lZDI1NTE5AAawZxwAAAAAAC3NzaIIsAET39xdorYcSMZRaB4LG084MD1VvloDSRKRH AzureAD+DeboraLeiteFerreira@HR1SRH3

  • username - string - Username related to the key in the device.

    Note: although not required, as good practice, filling out this field helps searching for the SSH key.

    New SSH key default value: usr

  • enabled - boolean - SSH key status: active = true; inactive = false

  • devices - array of hostnames - Additional devices associated with the SSH key, containing their hostname.

    → hostname - string - Hostname of the additional device.   Note: only previously registered devices are accepted.

  • tags - string - Keywords for identifying the SSH key.

  • key_name - string - User-created name for identifying the key.

  • password - string - Optional password that provides an extra layer of security to the private key.

    Example request

POST {{url}}/api/pam/key

    "identifier": "sshkey3",
    "ip": "",
    "hostname": "w2016",
        "public_key": "ssh-ed25519 C1lZDI1NTE5AAawZxwAAAAAAC3NzaIIsAET39xdorYcSMZRaB4LG084MD1VvloDSRKRH AzureAD+DeboraLeiteFerreira@HR1SRH3",
    "username": "dleite3",
    "enabled": true,
    "devices": [
            "hostname": "API device test"
    "tags": "mainsshkey",
    "key_name": "test4",
    "password": "fkjwe87a5a8fa9a"


   "code": 201,
   "response": {
       "status": 201,
       "message": "Key updated successfully!",
       "error": false,
       "error_code": 0,
       "detail": "",
       "mensagem": "Key updated successfully!",
       "erro": false,
       "cod_erro": 0
   "key": {
       "id": "83",
       "identifier": "sshkey3",
       "devices": [
               "hostname": "API device test",
               "ip": ""
       "devices_error": []


400 - Bad Request.

Message: "1004: The device's hostname was not informed"

Possible cause: the required parameter hostname of the device wasn’t informed.

Solution: provide a value for the hostname parameter of the device and resend the request.

Message: "1005: The device's IP was not informed"

Possible cause: the required parameter ip of the device wasn’t informed.

Solution: provide a value for the ip parameter of the device and resend the request.

Message: "1013: The public key was not informed"

Possible cause: the required parameter public_key wasn’t informed.

Solution: provide a value for the public_key parameter and resend the request.

Message: "1014: The private key was not informed"

Possible cause: the required parameter private_key wasn’t informed.

Solution: provide a value for the private_key parameter and resend the request.

Message: "1039: Without PAM Configuration Access permission"

Possible cause: your authorization doesn’t have permission to create a credential.

Solution: ask the administrator to check your read and write permission to PAM Core resources in A2A.

404 - Not Found

Message: "Resource sub not found"

Possible cause: the URL or the requested resource isn’t correct.

Solution: check the URL and make sure the parameter is correct.

500 - Internal Server Error

Message: "Unexpected error."

Possible cause: the error is in the senhasegura server.

Solution: contact the support team for more information.

Message: "You are not authorized to access this resource."

Possible cause: you don’t have the authorization to access this resource.

Solution: ask the administrator to check your permission to access the PAM Core resources in A2A.

Client authentication failed

Message: "Client authentication failed."

Possible cause: failure in your application authentication with the senhasegura server.

Solution: check the authentication parameters such as Access Token URL, Client ID e Client secret and request a new access token.

Invalid signature

Message: "Invalid signature"

Possible cause: failure in recognizing the URL of the client application.

Solution: check the URL of the client application and resent the request.

No route matched with those values

Message: "No route matched with those values."

Possible cause: the authorization header is missing in the API request.

Solution: request a new access token.

Request timed out

Message: "Request timed out."

Possible cause: the request time has expired.

Solution: check the connectivity between the source of the request and the senhasegura server.

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