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Article summary

The Certificate Manager dashboards offer a centralized view, giving you a single place to monitor certificates and effectively manage your company's security, compliance, and operational continuity.

This article describes the information available on the Dashboard's main page.


Path to access: Certificate Manager > Dashboard.



Has it a bond?Used to refine the search to display certificates linked or not to devices.
EnabledUsed to refine the search to display active or inactive certificates.
Revoked?Used to refine the search to display revoked or not revoked certificates.

Active certificates are the ones you can apply in a process.
Inactive certificates are the ones that the product will ignore. They won't be applied or renewed. You can only use them once you change their status.
Revoked certificates are those that have been intentionally invalidated by the user. They can no longer be used.


All certificatesThe total count of certificates.
Valid certificatesThe total count of valid certificates (within their valid timeframe).
Invalid certificatesThe total count of invalid certificates (Expired, Renewal requested, Revoked, and Inactive).
Unsecured certificatesThe total count of certificates with SHA1 algorithm and/or keys with 1024 bits or less.

Although unsafe certificates should NOT be used, as long as a user has not revoked them, they are still included in the count of valid certificates and can be used in environments.


Valid certificates expirationDisplays only the valid certificates, sorted by their expiration date.
Certificates by statusDisplays all certificates, sorted by status.
Certificates by originDisplays all certificates, sorted by origin.
Certificates by CADisplays all certificates, sorted by Certificate Authority.
Certificates by organizationDisplays all certificates, sorted by organizations registered in the module settings.
Certificates by environmentsDisplays only the certificates applying in the registered environments.
Certificates by systemsDisplays only the certificates applying in the registered systems.
Certificates by responsibleDisplays only certificates with a configured responsible party, sorted by name.
Certificates renewalDisplays only the certificates in the renewal process, sorted by status.
Certificates by typeDisplays all certificates, sorted by type.
Certificates by security assessmentDisplays all certificates, sorted by security classification (A-NC).
Certificates by key sizeDisplays all certificates, sorted by the used key size.
Certificates by key algorithmDisplays all certificates, sorted by the algorithm of the used key.

Risk radar


Expiration risk analysisUsed for real-time monitoring of all certificates, sorted by authority and located in the corresponding section according to the expiration date.

Clicking on the green circle that identifies the certificate on the radar opens a window with information about the certificate. At the bottom, you find the action buttons Revoke, Renew, History, and Publish.


Security classificationDisplays all certificates according to the security classification (A-NC). Clicking on a certificate's column opens the 'Certificate information' page.
Certificates to expireDisplays the certificates that are approaching their expiration date.

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