Recommendations report
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Recommendations report

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Article summary

In this document, you’ll find all the information about Cloud Entitlement’s Recommendations report page. The Recommendations report centralizes all the security recommendations analyzed for the identities registered within your Cloud Service Providers (CSPs). This document describes the information contained in the report.

Path to access

To view the recommendations report from all identities:

  1. Access Cloud Security.
  2. On the Cloud Entitlements product, click Access.
  3. In the left menu, click Recommendations.

Recommendations report

On the top right, four pie charts offer a visual summary of criticality levels for your CSPs:

  • Orange chart: presents the total number of recommendations categorized as High criticality.
  • Yellow chart: presents the total number of recommendations categorized as Medium criticality.
  • Green chart: presents the total number of recommendations categorized as Low criticality.
  • Blue chart: presents the total number of recommendations categorized as Info criticality.

Hover over the chart segments to view the distribution of recommendations per CSP provider.

Within the report, you'll find the following information for each recommendation:

CSP iconDisplays the CSP icon associated with the recommendation.
RecommendationSpecifies the security criterion upon which the recommendation is founded.
CriticalityIndicates the criticality level of the recommendation, which can be High, Medium, Low, and Info.
IdentitiesShows the number of identities that can benefit from the recommendation.

Use the search bar at the top of the report to locate specific recommendations. Next to the search bar, you'll find filters that allow you to filter the report based on:

  • Provider.
  • Criticality.

You also have buttons export the report as a .csv file, and to show or hide columns.

By clicking on one specific recommendation, the page will be updated to a new screen of the specific recommendation. In this screen, you’ll have the following information for the recommendation:

PrincipalDisplays the user ID or user email.
TypeDisplays the type of user. The options are: User and Admin.
EnvironmentDisplays the environment of this recommendation according to the provider.
Account IDDisplays the Account ID.

Use the search bar at the top of the report to locate specific identities. Next to the search bar, you'll find filters that allow you to filter the report based on:

  • Administrator.
  • Type.

You also have buttons export the report as a .csv file, and to show or hide columns.

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