Security policies
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Security policies

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Article summary

The Security policies of Cloud Entitlements assign a level of criticality to each criterion evaluated when analyzing cloud environments.

Use the security policies to determine the priority level of the recommendations suggested for the identities registered in your Cloud Service Providers (CSPs).


The criteria used by Cloud Entitlements to evaluate the security of your cloud environments vary depending on the specific cloud provider. Visit the Security Criteria for Recommendations.

Criticality levels

Cloud Entitlements provides security recommendations based on criticality levels.

You can customize your security policies to align with the specific requirements of your business needs using the following criticality levels:

  • Low: This level represents criteria or factors that have a relatively minor impact on the overall security of the organization.

  • Medium: This level represents criteria that have a moderate impact on the security of the organization.

  • High: This level involves factors that, if compromised, could result in severe consequences, including data breaches and system disruptions.

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