Internal users group add and update form
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Internal users group add and update form

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Article summary

In this document, you’ll find detailed information about the New internal users group page, where you can register register new internal user groups in the Domum module.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and then select Domum Remote Access.
  2. In the side menu, select Settings > Internal users > Groups.
  3. On the initial report screen, click the View actions menu, represented by the three vertical dots icon, and select New.

New internal users group screen

Group name*Mandatory text field for registering the group’s name.
Enabled*Mandatory radio buttons to define whether the group will be Enabled or Disabled.
Automatically grant access on full user provisioningMandatory radio buttons for granting automatic access after internal provisioning. The options are Default, Yes, and No.
Limited access group*Mandatory drop-down menu for selecting the access group created for limited users.

Limited users tab

Limited usersBy clicking the add icon, a screen opens with the necessary fields for adding users.
Name*User name.
Mobile phone*User contact phone.
E-mail*User email.

Full users tab

Full usersBy clicking the add icon, a list opens for selecting the full users registered in senhasegura.
IDUser identification code
NameUser name.
Usernamesenhasegura username.
E-mailUser email.
DepartmentDepartment the user belongs to.
Added byName of the person who added this user to the registration.
Added onDate when the user was added to this registration."

Full users must be created first within senhasegura before being associated with a group or supplier. To create a new full user, access the documents on Users.

Location tab

Restrict access to only those locationsCheckbox that restricts access for all users related to the supplier to the specified locations in the tab
CountryDrop-down menu for selecting the country where access will be allowed.
RegionDrop-down menu for selecting the region of the country where access will be allowed.
AddButton to add the selected locations.
LocationList of selected locations and regions. Use the trash icon to remove the selected items.

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