Reference for My requests
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Reference for My requests

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# Reference for My requests

Whenever you make a request in the DSM, it will be recorded in the My Requests menu. You can access the content of your requests through Grid Menu > DevOps Secret Manager > Access Control > My Requests.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon. Displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon. Refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon. Displays the possible actions for the page.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon. It opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the sheet of paper icon, downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon. It opens the window for scheduling the report.

When you click on Show filters, a series of fields are displayed. These are used to refine your search results. They are:

IDFilter by request code in senhasegura.
OperationFilter by the name of the operation that was requested.
Access groupFilter by the access group to which the requester belongs.
RequesterFilter by the requester's name.
Request dateOpens a calendar for you to choose the start date for the filter. You'll then filter out all the requests that were started from this date.
untilOpens a calendar for you to choose the end date for the filter. You'll then filter out all the requests that have been finalized by this date.
StatusDrop-down menu. Filters according to the status of the request. The options are: Pending, Approved, Rejected, Expired, and Canceled.
GovernanceFilter by the request's governance code.
ReasonFilter by the reason for the request.

In addition to these options, you have two buttons: Filter, which applies the parameters that have been passed into the fields, and Clear, which clears all the parameters.

Below, we have the list field, which contains all the requests, filtered or not, which are presented with the following fields:

  • ID.
  • Operation.
  • Access group.
  • Requester.
  • Requested on.
  • Status.
  • Expiration.
  • Governance.
  • Reason.
  • In the Action column you have the option of viewing more details of your request. Click on the magnifying glass icon to open the Request details window.

Request details window

By clicking on the magnifying glass icon, you are taken to the Request details window, where you can analyze the details of your request. The information is shown below:

Request details section

RequesterIndicates the name of the requester, the type of request that was made, and the current status of the request.
IDIndicates the request code.
Access groupIndicates the access group to which the requester belongs.
Requested inIndicates the date and time the request was made. This field will be shown in the DD:MM:YYYY HH:MM:SS format.
ExpirationIndicates the expiration date and time of the request. This field will be shown in the DD:MM:YYYY HH:MM:SS format.
ApprovalsIndicates the number of approvals of the request.
DisapprovalsIndicates the number of failures of the request.

Justification section

Governance IDRequest governance code.
ReasonReason for request.

Below these fields, you can also analyze the justification text that was sent.

Request details section

Indicate, in text form, which request was made.

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