Arbitrator update
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Arbitrator update

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Article summary

To update senhasegura in one environment with an Arbitrator, follow the steps below:

  1. Create new Arbitrator config files
orbit cluster arbiter create-config
  1. Transfer the manifests.tar.gz file to the machine Docker host
scp /var/tmp/senhasegura-cluster-arbiter/manifests.tar.gz [email protected]:/tmp/
  1. Go to the opt directory
cd /opt/
  1. Delete the old manifests folder
rm -rf manifests
  1. Unzip the new manifests
tar -xzvf /tmp/manifests.tar.gz
  1. Go to docker-compose directory
cd manifests/docker-compose
  1. Start the containers
docker-compose up -d
  1. Verify if the containers are running
orbit cluster arbiter status

Expected result:

senhasegura cluster arbiter

Arbiter IP address:

Galera Cluster arbiter (garbd) status: Connected, OK
Elasticsearch arbiter status: Connected, OK

Troubleshooting guides is available at

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