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Article summary

This document provides information about the Audit report screen in the Tenant settings menu, which displays all the audit events made by users in all products and in the Cloud Security platform.

Path to access

  1. Access Cloud Security.
  2. In the user menu, click the Admin console.
  3. In the left menu, click Audit.

Search fields

SearchText fieldFilters the events according to the words entered.
ProductDropdown menuFilters the events according to the product in which the events were performed.
UserDropdown menuFilters the events according to the user that performed the events.
EventDropdown menuFilters the events according to the specific event.
Clear filterButtonClear all filters applied.
Export data in CSVButtonOpens the Export data in CSV window.
Show/Hide columnsButtonOpens a card to show or hide columns in the report.

Report fields

  • Product.
  • User.
  • Event.
  • Entity type: entity type in which the event was made.
  • Entity: entity in which the event was made.
  • Entity ID: entity ID.
  • Event ID: event ID.
  • Date: date in which the event was made.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Audit events

The following table lists all audit events performed on the Cloud Security platform:

EventAudit level
New OrganizationOrganization
User assigned as Organization Admin/User removed from Organization AdminOrganization
Tenant createdOrganization
Disable User in TenantTenant
Enable User in TenantTenant
Invite UserTenant
Tenant createdTenant
Update User RolesTenant
User associated with TenantTenant

By clicking in one event, a new panel will appear with details about the audit event made by a user.

Viewer screen

Event section

EventName of the event.
Entity typeEntity type.
Entity IDID of the entity.
EntityName of the event’s targeted entity.
Log dateDate and time when the event was performed.
Event IDEvent’s ID.

Tenant section

NameName of the event’s targeted tenant.
IDTenant’s ID.

User section

UserName of the user that made the event.
IPUser IP.
User IDUser ID.

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