Import limited users
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Import limited users

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Article summary

In this document, you‘ll find all the information about the initial screen Batch import limited users, which lists all batch imports of this type that have been performed and the creation of a new import.

Access Path

In senhasegura, in the upper left corner, click on the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Domum Remote Access.
In the side menu, select Settings > Batch import limited users.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, displays or hides the search fields present on the screen.
RefreshRepresented by the counter-clockwise arrow icon, refreshes the page.
Show actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon, displays a drop-down menu with possible actions for the page.
+ImportRepresented by the plus icon, opens the Batch import from third parties screen which allows the registration of a new import.
Print ReportRepresented by the printer icon, opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the paper icon, downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon, opens the Schedule report form.

Search fields

IDCode and the time of the import.
File NameName of the file used for the batch import.
UserName of the user who performed the batch import.
Import periodInitial date of the interval for searching records.
UntilFinal date of the interval for searching records.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • File name.
  • User.
  • Creation date: the date and time of the batch access creation.
  • Start of execution: the date and time the import process started.
  • End of execution: the date and time the import process ended.
  • Time: the duration of the process.
  • Status: the status of the process.
  • Progress: displays the process progress in the form of a horizontal bar.
  • Error: displays whether there was an error in the process or not.
  • Action:
    • Process Details: represented by the list icon, opens the Process details pop-up window.
    • Download: represented by the download icon, downloads the file used for the batch import.

The report displays 30 records per screen, to go to the next screens, click on the advance buttons at the end of the report.

Process details screen

IDCode and the time of the import.
FileName of the file used in the batch import.
Request dateDate and time of the import.
RequesterName of the user who performed the import.
LocaleLanguage of the senhasegura platform that the user was using at the time of import. This information is used to process the spreadsheet.
MessageMessage returned at the end of the process.
StatusStatus of the process.
LinesNumber of lines in the batch import spreadsheet. This number is the sum of Users and Lines with error.
UsersNumber of imported users.
Auto-generated accesses?Indicates if the batch import had automatic access requested.
Lines with errorNumber of error lines in the batch import spreadsheet.
StartDate and time of the start of the process.
EndDate and time of the end of the process.
ProgressPercentage of process progress.
ErrorIndicates the presence or absence of an error in the import process.
Download Log FileButton to download the import file log.

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