Third-party users detail window
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Third-party users detail window

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Article summary

This article describes the information available in the pop-up Details window on the Remote access - Third-party screen.


Paths to access:

  • Domum > Request Access > Third party > [Third party username] > Action column > Details represented by the magnifying glass icon.

  • Domum > Reports > Credentials by user > [Third party username] > Action column > Details represented by the magnifying glass icon.

The header contains the following fields:

UserThe user row has three columns: Column 1: displays the user's name and their e-mail address. Column 2: displays the name of the vendor associated with the user. Column 3: displays the status of the user's access.
IDAccess identification code in the report. E.g., EXT-23-000487
Access groupAccess group responsible for the Vendor.
Start dateDate and time the access started.
End dateDate and time the access ended.
Cancelled byUser who canceled the access. This field is only available for cancelled accesses.


The section contains the following fields:

IDAccess identification code of the credential in the senhasegura platform.
TypeType of credential released for access.
UsernameName assigned to the credential.
DeviceDevice to which the user has access.
Start sessionIndicates whether the given access allows a session to start using the provided credential.
View passwordIndicates whether the given access allows viewing a password using the provided credential.

Access limitation

The section contains the following fields:

Access permission daysSpecific days when access is allowed.
Access permission timesSpecific times when access is allowed.
Maximum number of sessionsMaximum number of sessions allowed by the access.


The section contains the following fields:

Governance IDAccess governance code. Since the code is optional, this field can be empty.
ReasonReason entered by the requesting user in the Enter an access reason step.
Bottom rowLast row of the section. It displays the justification entered for the access.

There are differences between Access reason and Justification. The reasons are controlled; their pre-registration is a mandatory step for granting access. After this step, they’re available in a drop-down menu in the request window and in the Access reasons menu. The justification is a free text inserted by the administrator at the bottom of the request window.

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