Failure in the implementation of access policies
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Failure in the implementation of access policies

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Article summary

The access policy was deactivated but not removed from the workstation. As a consequence, the updated access policy is not applied to the workstation with the installed Agent.


The secpack-maestro service is always running and updating the rules as they are registered in senhasegura. However, if there is a need for manual intervention on the workstation, follow these steps:

1. Log into the Linux terminal as the root user.

2. Stop the service using the command:

service secpack-maestro stop 

3. Confirm that the service has been stopped:

service secpack-maestro status 

4. Remove the desired policies: 

echo 'delete 100 acl write path="/etc/oracle/tnsnames.ora"' | /usr/sbin/caitsith-loadpolicy 

5. Validate if the policy has been removed by checking the policy file again:

cat /sys/kernel/security/caitsith/policy 

6. In the senhasegura platform, deactivate the rule to prevent it from being applied again.

7. Restart the secpack-maestro service:

service secpack-maestro start 

8. Check the synchronization status between the senhasegura platform and the Agent: 

systemctl status secpack-maestro

9. If necessary, view the synchronization logs to identify where possible errors may be occurring:

sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog

senhasegura Community

To learn more about this topic, refer to the articles created about the GO Endpoint Manager.

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