Register general rule
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Register general rule

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Article summary

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Navigate to GO Endpoint Manager➔Policies➔Linux➔Rules for sudo.
  3. Click and select the option New rule of general sudo.
  4. At the Registration rules for sudo form, in the Main tab, complete the fields:
    • Identification name: define a name to identify the rule.
    • Enabled: set the status of the rule.
    • Commands for rule application (must be used the full path): fill in with the command's path that you can run as sudo and elevate privileges. To find the command's path in the Linux terminal, run which [the command you want].
    • It should be NOPASSWD?: if you check Yes, the user won’t be prompted for a password to run the command as sudo. If you check No, the user will be asked for a password to run it.
    • Description: add a brief description about this rule.
  5. Click Save.

Validate sudo rules on the target device

  1. Access the Linux terminal.
  2. Enter the command to verify:
cat /etc/sudoers.d/senhasegura

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