Register user-friendly access policies
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Register user-friendly access policies

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Article summary

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Navigate to GO Endpoint Manager➔Policies➔Linux➔Access Policies.
  3. Click and select the option New rule for workstation.
  4. At the Registration of rules per workstation form, in the Main tab, complete the fields:
    • Policy name: define an easy-to-identify name.
    • Enabled: if enabled, the policy will be applied across devices.
    • Guideline: select a policy type.
  5. In the Application tab, complete the fields:
    • Enable audit?: the field is required and is enabled by default. It allows auditing of actions performed.
    • Enable session recording?: mark Yes to have session recordings of logged binaries. The start of the session is linked to the execution of the binary only after the execution is over.
    • Include general denial rule?: if this option is checked, no Linux workstation user will be able to execute something not allowed by the access policy. If unchecked, all Linux workstation users will be allowed to run everything except what the rule blocks.
    • Application path: the location of the program on the file system. Find the path of the program using which [the command you want].
    • Is the path a symbolic link?: check if this added path is a link to a file or directory. Find out if it's a symbolic link by typing ls -la [the command path you want].
  6. Click Add.
    • Permission: choose between allowing or blocking, depending on the policy being created.
    • User or group: add who this rule is for, a user or group.
    • User or group name: fill in the name of the user or group according to the type chosen in the previous field. It must be the user's primary group.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Go to the Workstations tab.
  9. Select Workstations+.
  10. Choose the workstations you want to add to the segregation.
  11. Click Add.
  12. Click Save.

Policies added to the device

To validate that the policy has been added to the device:

  1. Access the Linux terminal.
  2. Enter the command:
cat /sys/kernel/security/caitsith/policy

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