Directory and file scan
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Directory and file scan

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Article summary

This feature allows the administrator to register configurations to scan directories and files to monitor inclusions, changes, and exclusions made by a user.

Create general or workstation rules

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Go to GO Endpoint Manager ➔ Policies ➔ Windows ➔ Directory and file scan.
  3. Click on the Actions(⁝) menu.
  4. Choose between General rule or Segregation for the workstation.
  5. Fill in the fields of the Directory and file scan section.
  6. In the General tab, enter:
    • Name: define a name for this rule.
    • Status: define whether the rule will be active or not.
    • Path of directories: the folder or file you want to scan. E.g.: C:\windows\System32.
    • File name or regular expression: the file name you want to scan or a regular expression.
    • Registered paths: list with added paths, files, and regular expressions.

To search for a file, include the file name. To search for folders, include the folder name. You can use regular expressions to search for files.

Directory and file scan events

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Go to GO Endpoint Manager➔Report➔Windows➔Events.

Four actions are audited in events:

  • Inclusion: the creation of a file.
  • Rename: rename an existing file.
  • Delete: delete an existing file.
  • Change: the username System will be applied to all change records.

Ignore the directory in the application scan

This feature sets added directories aside in the Core Run menu scan.

Register directories to be ignored

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Go to GO Endpoint Manager➔Settings➔Parameters➔go Windows.
  3. Go to Directory to be ignored.
  4. Register the Directory path you want to set aside in the scan.
  5. Click Save.

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