Error messages when recording sessions
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Error messages when recording sessions

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Article summary

During the session recording process, the following error messages may occur due to the requirements that need to be met. Here's how to handle potential scenarios when registering a policy with the recording parameter enabled.

Message 01 - SIGNUSR: 1008: Certificate inactive

Inactive certificate: This error occurs when the workstation has been deactivated in the senhasegura platform.


  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Naviagte to GO Endpoint Manager➔General➔Workstations.
  3. Filter the Status field with the Inactive option.
  4. Click on Filter.
  5. Find the workstation you want to activate.
  6. In the Action menu, click on** ⁝**
  7. Select Authorize.
  8. Choose Yes to confirm.

Message 02 - SIGNUSR: 1011: Local user inactive

Inactive local user: This error occurs when the GO Endpoint Manager user for Linux is inactive.


  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Navigate to GO Endpoint Manager➔General➔Users.
  3. Filter the Status field with the Revoked option.
  4. Click on Filter.
  5. Find the desired user.
  6. In the Action menu, click on
  7. Select Authorize.
  8. Choose Yes to confirm.

Message 03 - SIGNUSR: 1013: Local user does not exist on server

Local user does not exist on the server: This error occurs when there is no user with the same username in the senhasegura platform.


  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Create a user with the same username.

Message 04 - SIGNUSR: 1014: User pending approval location

Pending approval for local user: This error occurs when the user exists in the senhasegura platform and the workstation with GO Endpoint Manager for Linux installed but has not been approved by the administrator.


  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Navigate to GO Endpoint Manager➔General➔Users.
  3. Filter the Status field with the Pending option.
  4. Click on Filter.
  5. Find the user you want to authorize.
  6. In the Action menu, click on
  7. Select Authorize.
  8. Choose Yes to confirm.

Message 05 - SIGNUSR: 1017: Inactive senhasegura user

Inactive senhasegura user: This error occurs when the senhasegura platform user related to GO Endpoint Manager for Linux is inactive. Users, including the root user, should be active.


  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Check if the users are active in Settings➔User Management➔Users.
  3. Filter the Active field with the No option.
  4. Click on Filter.
  5. Find the user that needs to be activated.
  6. In the Action menu, click on Edit.
  7. In the Status field, select Active.
  8. Click on Save.

senhasegura Community

To learn more about this topic, refer to the articles created about the GO Endpoint Manager.

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