How to deploy on Azure by manually uploading the application image
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How to deploy on Azure by manually uploading the application image

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Article summary

In this article, you'll find instructions for deploying senhasegura on Microsoft Azure by manually uploading the application image in VHD format.


To deploy on Azure, you must have the senhasegura Virtual Appliance image in VHD format. To download the VHD image, access the Support Portal.

Step 1: Create a Disk

  1. Log in to Microsoft Azure.
  2. Use Azure Storage Explorer to upload the senhasegura image in VHD format to your Storage account.
  3. In the Services category, select Disks.
  4. Click +Create.
  5. When creating the Disk, fill in the following fields in the Basics tab as instructed below:
  • Source type: select Storage blob.
  • Source blob: select the VHD file you uploaded in step 2.
  • OS type: select Linux.
  • VM generation: select Generation 1.
  • VM architecture: select x64.
  • Size: select a size equal to or larger than the VHD file size.

Other fields can be filled according to your needs.

  1. In the final step, ensure you have properly filled the fields listed in step 5 and click Create.
  2. Wait for the confirmation message: Your deployment is complete.

Step 2: Create a Virtual Machine

  1. After creating the disk, click Go to resource.
  2. On the resource page, click Create VM.
  3. When creating a virtual machine, fill in the following fields as instructed below:

Don’t change the settings in the Management and Advanced tabs.

  • In the Basics tab, set the Select inbound ports field to HTTP 80 and HTTPS 443.
  • In the Basics tab, set the License type field to Other.
  • In the Monitoring tab, set Boot diagnostics to Disable.
  1. In the last step, ensure you have properly filled the fields listed in step 3 and haven’t changed the settings in the Management and Advanced tabs.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Wait for the confirmation message: Your deployment is complete.
  4. After deployment confirmation, click Go to resource.
  5. On the virtual machine page, copy the Public IP.
  6. Open your browser and paste the Public IP into the address bar.

By following these steps, the senhasegura activation screen will be displayed, and the deployment will be completed.


If you encounter the Internal Server Error message, wait a few minutes and refresh the page.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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