API secrets
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API secrets

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Article summary

In this document, you’ll find detailed information about MySafe’s API secrets page.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select MySafe.
  2. In the side menu, select API secrets.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, it refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon, it displays a drop-down menu with possible actions for the report.
Add API secretRepresented by the plus sign, it opens the Add API secret screen.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon, it opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the paper sheet icon, it downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon, it opens the Schedule report screen.

Search fields

IDField that filters API secrets by their unique identification code.
NameField that filters API secrets by their name.
URLField that filters API secrets by the URL of the application where they’re registered.
TagsField that filters API secrets by associated keywords.
SharedField that filters API secrets by their sharing status. The available options are Yes and No. Click Clear to enable the All option.
OwnerField that filters API secrets by the name of the user who registered them.
Last useField that filters API secrets by the period during which the API secret was viewed. Format MM/DD/YYYY. Use this field to enter the start date of the period. The downward arrow opens a calendar.
untilField that filters API secrets by the period during which the API secret was viewed. Format MM/DD/YYYY. Use this field to enter the end date of the period. The downward arrow opens a calendar.
EnabledField that filters API secrets by their activation status. The available options are Yes and No. Click Clear to enable the All option.

Report fields

  • Checkbox: used for batch actions.
  • ID.
  • Name.
  • Url.
  • Tags.
  • Shared.
  • Owner.
  • Last use.
  • Enabled.
  • Acton: in this column, you’ll find the following options:
    • View API secret: represented by the key icon, it opens the API secret details screen with all information about the API secret.
    • Three vertical dots icon: opens a dropdown menu with the options: Share, Edit, and Disable.

The report displays 30 records per page. To go to the next screen, click the forward button at the end of the report.

Bottom buttons

  • Enable: button used for batch activation.
  • Disable: button used for batch deactivation.
  • Share: button used for batch sharing.

API secret details screen

In this section, you’ll find all the information about the API secret details screen.

NameName assigned to the API secret.
OwnerThe user who registered the API secret.
URLURL of the application where the API secret is registered.
Last useThe date and time when the API secret was last used.
IdentifierUnique string defined by the user to identify the API secret being registered.
Client IDUnique identifier for the client application.
MethodHTTP method used to make the API call.
TagsKeywords associated with the API secret.
NotesObservations about the API secret.
View the informationRepresented by the list icon, it opens the Protected information pop-up window, which displays the Client secret.

Users with access to information section

MemberName of the MySafe user with access to the API secret.
Can view?Indicates viewing permission for the API secret details. By default, whenever an API secret is shared, this column is marked with Yes.
Can edit?Indicates editing permission for the API secret details. The available options are Yes and No.

Add/Edit API secret screen

In this section, you’ll find all the information about the Add API secret and Edit API secret screens, which have the same fields.

Name*Field for entering a name for the API secret.
URL*Field for entering the URL of the application where the API secret will be used.
Client ID*Field for entering the Client ID used to identify the client application in the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow.
Client SecretField for entering the Client Secret used to authenticate the client application in the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow.
IdentifierField for entering the unique string defined by the user to identify the API secret.
MethodField for entering the HTTP method used to call the API.
TagsKeywords associated with the API secret.
NotesObservations about the API secret.
Eye iconPresent only on the Edit API secret screen, an icon that shows information about who added the API secret and when, as well as who made the last change and when.

The items with an asterisk are mandatory.

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