Parameters for Orbit CLI
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Parameters for Orbit CLI

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Article summary

PThis article describes the parameters of the orbit command and its functionality.

  • In case you're in a cluster architecture, it's important to know that actions taken in one instance aren't reflected in all the other instances. For commands that may affect the operation of the cluster, you must manually execute the commands on each instance.
  • The commands below can restart services that are essential for the application to function, causing a momentary outage. Invalid configurations can cause irreversible unavailability. You'll always be alerted to the possibility of unavailability and asked if you want to proceed with executing the commands.

Available commands

The orbit command, if executed without instructions, will display the help about the available parameters.

This command requires root privileges. In case you try to execute a command without elevation, you will receive a warning message:

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ orbit
This program must be run with root permissions!
applicationApplication settings tools.
apiA2A settings tools.
networkNetwork settings tools.
domum-gatewayDomum Gateway settings tools.
network-connectorsenhasegura Network Connector settings tools.
hostnameChange the server hostname. Need to reboot server after.
dnsThe Domain Name System (DNS) management tools.
ntpThe Network Time Protocol (NTP) management tools.
upgradeUpgrade the system by installing/upgrading packages.
backupApplication backup settings.
clusterHigh Availability and Disaster Recovery settings tools.
syncFiles and application directories synchronize configuration.
websslWebserver SSL certificates management tools.
localeLanguage and locale settings
partitionFile system partitions management tools.
diskDisks management tools.
zabbixZabbix client configuration.
proxyApplication access proxy settings.
email-oauth2-proxyEmail OAuth2 Proxy settings.
fajitaFajita access proxy management tools.
rdpgateRDP Gate access proxy management tools.
snmpSimple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) management tools.
firewallSystem Firewall management tools.
shutdownPower off or reboot the machine safely.
executionAsynchronous task batch execution tool.
servicesManage senhasegura asynchronous services.
securitySystem security management tools.
versionPrint version information and quit.
healthcheckHealth Check tools.
repositoryRepository settings tools.

O parâmetro repository permite que sejam passados quatro parâmetros:

repository configure stableSource repository for installing stable versions.
repository configure candidateSource repository for installing candidate versions.
repository configure testingSource repository for installing test versions.
repository creature unstableSource repository for installing unstable versions.

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