About senhasegura Terminal
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About senhasegura Terminal

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Article summary

When logging into the senhasegura server using SSH, the user will be directed to the standard prompt on the senhasegura shell to enter user information and begin a session.


To learn how to start an SSH session into the senhasegura vault, access the How to access an SSH admin session into the senhasegura vault document.

This simplified terminal only has commands to start a proxy session to a remote device and transfer files between the source’s device and the destination device.

Using the command help, displayed on the home screen, serves to list the available commands.

Once inside the senhasegura shell session, you can use the command list, to list access credentials, displayed in table format.

list command

ConnDevice connectivity.
UsernameCredential username.
HostnameDevice’s hostname.
IPDevice’s IP address.
TypeCredential type.
Device typeDevice type.

Domain credentials are not listed using this command. To access with domain credentials, you must use the following syntax: ssh domain\user@server.


Replace the<username> by the credential username.

To view the user access, use the syntax: list <username> --related
This will display all devices that a given account has access to.


Replace the <domain> by the device, the hostname or the IP address.

To view the domain access, use the syntax: list <domain> --related. That allows the user to check all domain credentials that are registered on this device and which devices have the same domain as the credential.

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