Session video
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Session video

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Article summary

In this document, you'll find all the information about the Session Video report that shows the remote session information and the ability to view and download the session recording.


To be able to download the session, the parameter Enable session video download, needs to have the option Yes set. To learn more about the system parameters, access the documentation System Parameters - Remote Session.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, identified by the nine square, and then select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Access Control > Remote Sessions.
  3. In the list of finished remote sessions, in the Action column, click the play icon.

From version 3.33 onwards, the icon for viewing the session video will only be available to PAM Administrator, PAM Auditor, and System Administrator roles that have the PAM.SessionManagement.Recording permission included in their role.

Sections of the Video of session screen

Session Info tab

IDIdentification of the session held.
StartSession start date and time.
EndDate and time of the end of the session.
TypeThe protocol used by the session.
HostIP number of the accessed device.
UsernameUsername of the credential used.
Error messageError message displayed to the user, if it occurs.

User info tab

UserName of the user who performed the access.
User IPIP address of the machine that performed the access.

Session tab

SizeDisplays the video file size of the session.
TimeDisplays the time the session was active.
View*When clicked, it opens the session video viewing window.
Generate video for downloadWhen clicked, it displays a message box asking for confirmation for the video to be downloaded. When clicking Yes, a video generation message is displayed.
  • The video is downloaded by email as soon as the conversion is complete.
  • If senhasegura is being used in a cluster, videos may take a few seconds or minutes to synchronize with other cluster members before the video is available.
  • After receiving the email notifying you that the video has been generated, go back to the session's Video page to download the video.

Video of session tab

SizeThe final size of the video.
TimeThe final time of the video.
FormatType of the video format.
Video downloadClick to download the video.

In session videos like Database Proxy, it won’t be possible to view the results record when performing queries on database tables. This occurs for information security. In the log, only the success message will be recorded, in some cases with the number of rows that the query returned, or the error message in cases of failure.

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