Professional Services
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Professional Services

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Article summary

HA/DR test

  • Service Name: HA/DR Test.
  • Contract with: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Contracted time: Minimum of 4 hours, this time may vary depending on the structure implemented and the tests to be performed. At the time of hiring, you will be informed how many hours will be required.
  • Prior appointment:
    • 5 working days in advance to schedule a test.
  • Assumptions for the service: Predict the format of the HA/DR test.
    • Clone of senhasegura instance in a segregated environment;
    • HA/DR test in a productive environment.
  • Execution schedule and description of the Service:
    • Clone of a senhasegura instance in a segregated environment:
      • Execution schedule. Responsible: Customer and Reseller\senhasegura;
      • Clone of senhasegura instance. Responsible: Customer;
      • Assembly of a segregated environment with the senhasegura instance. Responsible: Customer;
      • Activation of the senhasegura application and preparation for the test. Responsible: Reseller\senhasegura.
    • HA/DR test in a productive environment:
      • Scheduling of execution, with forecast of unavailability during the test. Responsible: Customer and Reseller\senhasegura;
      • Execution of scheduled shutdown of the senhasegura instance. Responsible: Customer;
      • Environment recovery, if necessary. Responsible: Reseller\senhasegura.
  • Expected outcome:
  • Execution of the HA/DR test with mapped and documented results, such as RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and necessary actions, in case of disaster.
  • Examples of need:
    • Environment testing for compliance and auditing;
    • Real environment test for the elaboration of a Business Continuity Plan.

System restore test

  • Service Name: System Restore Test.
  • Contract with: senhasegura.
  • Contracted time: Minimum of 4 hours, this time may vary depending on the structure implemented and tests to be performed. At the time of hiring, you will be informed how many hours will be required.
  • Prior appointment:
    • 5 working days in advance to schedule a test.
  • Assumptions for the service:
    • Deploy a new senhasegura instance and define an access IP for this instance.
  • Execution schedule and description of the Service:
    • Scheduling the execution. Responsible: Client and senhasegura;
    • Deploy a new senhasegura instance and define an access IP for this instance, before the day scheduled for execution. Responsible: Customer;
    • Perform the initial configuration of the instance. Responsible: senhasegura;
    • Perform System Restore from backup. Responsible: senhasegura;
    • Activation of the senhasegura application and preparation for the test. Responsible: senhasegura ;
    • Functional testing of the senhasegura application. Responsible: Customer.
  • Expected outcome:
    • Execution of System Restore test with mapped and documented results, such as RPO (Recovery Point Objective) and RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and necessary actions, in case of disaster.
  • Examples of need:
    • Environment testing for compliance and auditing;
    • Real environment test for the elaboration of a Business Continuity Plan.

Assisted update

  • Service Name: Assisted update.
  • Contract with: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Contracted time: Minimum of 6 hours, this time may vary depending on the structure implemented and tests to be carried out. At the time of hiring, you will be informed how many hours will be required.
  • Prior appointment:
    • 5 working days in advance to schedule a test.
  • Assumptions for the service:
    • Access release of senhasegura instances in the environment to update mirrors:
    • Execution of snapshots, at the beginning of the update activity.
  • Execution schedule and description of the Service:
    • Scheduling the execution. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Access release of senhasegura instances in the environment to update mirrors. Responsible: Customer.
    • Execution of snapshots, at the beginning of the update activity. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
      • Individual shutdown of senhasegura instances. Responsible: Reseller or senhasegura;
      • Snapshot and instance restart. Responsible: Customer;
    • Perform individual update of senhasegura instances. Responsible: Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Initial post-upgrade validation of the senhasegura application and test preparation. Responsible: senhasegura;
    • Functional testing of the senhasegura application. Responsible: Customer.
  • Expected outcome:
    • Update of the senhasegura application to the latest version, in an assisted way.
  • Examples of need:
    • Update to implement bugfixes or improvements and new features of the senhasegura application.

Assisted Settings

  • Service Name: Assisted Settings.
  • Contract with: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Contracted time: Minimum 4 hours, this time may vary depending on the scope of defined settings. At the time of hiring, you will be informed how many hours will be required.
  • Prior appointment:
    • 5 working days in advance for scheduling.
  • Assumptions for the service:
    • Define the scope of the settings to be performed.
  • Execution schedule and description of the Service:
    • Define the scope of the settings to be performed. Responsible: Customer;
    • Scheduling the execution. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Execution of assisted settings. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Expected outcome:
  • Performing the configurations in an assisted way, resulting in the appropriate configuration of the senhasegura application and the correct integration with the environment.
  • Examples of need:
    • Authentication integration configuration;
    • AD groups synchronization configuration;
      *Configuration of senhasegura, as needed.

Custom password change template

  • Service Name: Customized password change template.
  • Contract with: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Contracted time: Minimum of 4 hours, this time may vary depending on the scope of defined devices, evaluation of the possibility of integration and creation of the custom template. At the time of hiring, you will be informed how many hours will be required.
  • Prior appointment:
    • 5 working days in advance to schedule the implementation and template tests, in case it is possible to carry out the integration.
  • Assumptions for the service:
    • Define the scope of devices to be integrated with senhasegura. Responsible: Customer;
    • Evaluation of the possibility of integrating the devices. Responsible: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Execution schedule and description of the Service:
    • Define the scope of devices to be integrated with senhasegura. Responsible: Customer;
    • Evaluation of the possibility of integrating the devices. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Elaboration of the template to change the device password. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Scheduling for template implementation and testing. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Expected outcome:
    • Integration of new devices for effective management of your credentials.
  • Examples of need:
    • Integration of new network devices, web applications, etc;
    • Creation of custom templates to change passwords in files.

Registration of Devices and Credentials

  • Service Name: Device and Credential Enrollment.
  • Contract with: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Contracted time: Minimum 4 hours, this time may vary depending on the scope of devices and credentials defined. At the time of hiring, you will be informed how many hours will be required.
  • Prior appointment:
    • 5 working days in advance to schedule the batch import, after sending the completed Worksheet with the devices and credentials to be imported.
  • Assumptions for the service:
    • Define the scope of devices and credentials to be imported into senhasegura. Responsible: Customer.
  • Execution schedule and description of the Service:
    • Define the scope of devices and credentials to be imported into senhasegura. Responsible: Customer;
    • Prepare the batch import worksheet, based on the worksheet sent by the customer, also defining exchange execution templates. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Scheduling to run the batch import. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Execution of the import of the batch import spreadsheets. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Batch import validation. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Expected outcome:
    • Import of new devices for effective management of your credentials.
  • Examples of need:
    • Post-deployment rollout of senhasegura;
    • Addition of a new park of devices or devices of a new Datacenter, in senhasegura.

Environment migration

  • Service Name: Environment migration.
  • Contract with: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Contracted time: Minimum of 4 hours, this time may vary depending on the structure implemented by senhasegura and the type of migration to be performed. At the time of hiring, you will be informed how many hours will be required.
  • Prior appointment:
    • 5 working days in advance to schedule the migration, after meeting the requirements for the service.
  • Assumptions for the service:
    • Define the migration scope, determining whether it will be necessary to change the IP of senhasegura instances and other settings that may be impacted due to migration. Responsible: Customer;
    • For the migration execution date, have the teams responsible for virtualization, networks, infrastructure and other areas necessary for this change. Responsible: Customer.
  • Execution schedule and description of the Service
    • Attendance of premises for the service. Responsible: Customer;
    • Scheduling migration activity. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Shutdown of senhasegura instances. Responsible: Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Migration of senhasegura instances to another environment. Responsible: Customer;
    • Adjustment of configurations of senhasegura instances. Responsible: Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Configuration of the senhasegura Cluster. Responsible: Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Initial post-migration validation of the senhasegura application and preparation for the functional test. Responsible: senhasegura.
    • Functional testing of the senhasegura application. Responsible: Customer.
  • Expected outcome:
    • Successful migration of the senhasegura application structure, with reassembly of the Cluster in a new environment.
  • Examples of need:
    • Change of Datacenter used by the customer;
    • Change in the virtualization technology used in the environment.

Training for Administrators

  • Service Name: Administrator Training.
  • Contract with: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Contracted time: 6 hours of Training.
  • Prior appointment:
    • 5 working days in advance to schedule Training
  • Assumptions for the service:
    • Prior appointment
  • Execution schedule and description of the Service
    • Prior appointment. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Execution of training. Responsible: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Expected outcome:
    • Guidance and instruction of client analysts to manage senhasegura in the structure;
  • Examples of need:
    • Acquisition of senhasegura with the need for guidance and instruction from client analysts for application administration.

Training for Users

  • Service Name: User Training.
  • Contract with: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Contracted time: 2 hours of Training.
  • Prior appointment:
    • 5 working days in advance to schedule Training.
  • Assumptions for the service:
    • Prior appointment
  • Execution schedule and description of the Service
    • Prior appointment. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
      *Execution of training. Responsible: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Expected outcome:
    • Guidance and client analysts to instruct the use of senhasegura in the structure.
  • Examples of need:
    • Acquisition of senhasegura with the need for guidance and instruction from customer analysts to use the application.

Deployment senhasegura

  • Service Name: Deployment senhasegura
  • Contract with: Reseller or senhasegura
  • Contracted time Minimum of: 5 days, this time may vary from the structuring to be implemented to be carried out. No moment of hiring will be identified how many hours will be possible.
  • Prior appointment:
    • 3 business days in advance to schedule the kick-off
  • Assumptions for the service:
    • Validate the structuring of senhasegura. Responsible: Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Execution schedule and description of the Service:
    • Start. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Definition of the schedule. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Deployment of senhasegura instances. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Initial configuration of senhasegura instances and assembly of the Cluster. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • Defined scope rollout; Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura;
    • End of deployment. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Expected outcome:
    • Implementation and initial rollout of the senhasegura application in the client's environment.
  • Examples of need:
    • Acquisition of senhasegura and implementation in the customer's environment.

Recovery of admin password from senhasegura instance

  • Service Name: Password recovery of admin password of senhasegura instance (mt4adm)
  • Contract with: senhasegura
  • Contracted time: Fixed amount
  • Prior appointment:
    • As per customer requirement
  • Assumptions for the service:
    • Releasing access of the senhasegura instance to the Internet (Outbound). Responsible: Customer.
    • Download the Ubuntu Live CD. Responsible: Customer.
  • Execution schedule and description of the Service:
    • Running the Ubuntu Live CD on the senhasegura instance. Responsible: Customer;
    • Execution of commands in the senhasegura instance to access password recovery tools. Responsible: senhasegura;
    • Execution of password recovery. Responsible: senhasegura;
    • Passing the password to the customer. Responsible: Customer and Reseller or senhasegura.
  • Expected outcome:
    • Recovery of the mt4adm password from the senhasegura instance.
  • Examples of need:
    • Loss of password of senhasegura administration credential (mt4adm).

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