Initial screens
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Initial screens

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Article summary

In this document, you’ll find detailed information about the senhasegura mobile app initial screens where you can connect the app with senhasegura.

Download the senhasegura mobile app on Google Play Store through the link: senhasegura mobile app.

Initial screen

Scan codeButton that takes users to the QR code scanning screen.
Can’t read it? Click here to type the codeLink located just below the Scan code button that takes users to a screen where they can manually paste the code.

If the user doesn't have a senhasegura email associated with their account, an error message will be displayed indicating the need to associate this email.

QR code screen

AreaArea to place the QR code obtained through the path Grid Menu > MySafe > + Integrations > My apps.

Text boxes


This screen will only be available if users click on the link Can't read it? Click here to type the code.

Insert the codePop-up window for manually inserting the code copied from Grid Menu > MySafe > + Integrations > My apps.

Insert code screen

Text boxesSpace for inserting the 8-digit activation code received by email.
Missed it? Click here to resend the codeLink to receive a new 8-digit activation code in case the previous code has expired.
LoginButton that takes users to the Pending approval or the Terms of service screen.
Log outButton to disconnect from the app.

Pending approval screen


This screen will be available only if the MySafe administrator has set the Require device approval* to Yes in Grid Menu > SYSTEM > Settings > System parameters > System parameters > Access control > Mobile app.

Pending approvalScreen to which users will be directed after inserting the 8-digit activation code. At this point, they’ll need to wait for the administrator to approve their access.

Terms of service screen

Terms of serviceScreen that presents the terms of service for app usage.
AcceptButton located in the bottom-right corner of the screen to agree with the app’s terms of service.
DeclineButton located in the bottom-left corner of the screen to disagree with the app’s terms of service.

If users click Decline, they won’t be able to proceed with the app connection.

Products screen

ProductsScreen that displays all the senhasegura products.

The current version of senhasegura mobile app supports integration with MySafe for managing passwords and viewing notes. To access the other senhasegura products, click the icon of the desired module on the app’s Products screen and be directed to the dedicated senhasegura webpage.

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