User Group
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User Group

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Article summary

In this document, you'll find all the information about the User Group report, which displays information about user groups in senhasegura.

Access path

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by nine squares, and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select User Management > User Groups.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon. Shows or hides the search fields present on the screen.
RefreshRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon. Refreshes the page.
Show actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon. Displays possible actions for the page.
New User groupRepresented by the plus sign. Opens the User Group window.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon. Opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the paper sheet icon, downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon. Opens the window to schedule the report.

Search fields

IDText field. Filters by the user group code in senhasegura.
NameText field. Filters by the user group name in senhasegura.
Registration dateComposed of two fields. The first opens a calendar for selecting the initial date of the user group registration in senhasegura.
untilComposed of two fields. The first opens a calendar for selecting the final date of the user group registration in senhasegura.
EnabledDrop-down menu. Select Yes or No to filter according to the user group status in senhasegura.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Name.
  • Registration date: displays the user group registration date in the format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM.
  • Enabled.
  • Synchronization group: refers to the name of the Active Directory synchronization group related to the user group.
  • In the Action column, you have the option Update User group.

    The report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward button at the end of the report.

User Groups Window


The fields in the User Group window are the same as in the Update User group window.

When selecting the New User group option in the top bar, you will be directed to the User Group window, which contains the following fields:

Settings Tab

NameText field. Fill in with the name of the user group.
StatusRadio button. Select the status of the user group at the time of creation.
DescriptionText field. Fill in with a description of the user group being created.

Users Tab

Plus signOpens the System Users modal.
Trash can iconRemoves the added user.
IDUser code in senhasegura.
NameUser name in senhasegura.
UsernameUsername in senhasegura.
E-MailUser's email address in senhasegura.
Creation typeUser creation type.
Added byName of the user who added this user to the user group.
Added onDate when this user was added to the user group.

System Users Modal

Search fields

IDText field. Filters by the user's registration code in senhasegura.
NameText field. Filters by the user's name registered in senhasegura.
UsernameText field. Filters by the username registered in senhasegura.
E-MailText field. Filters by the user's email address registered in senhasegura.
Creation typeText field. Filters by the user's creation type in senhasegura.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Name.
  • Username.
  • E-Mail.
  • Creation type.

Access Group Tab

Plus signOpens the Access Groups modal.
Trash can iconRemoves the added access group.
IDAccess group registration code in senhasegura.
NameName of access group.
TypeAccess group type in senhasegura.
Added byName of the user who added the access group to the user group.
ProfileDrop-down menu to select the profile for the access group. The options are User, Approver, and User and Approver.
ApprovalDrop-down menu to select the approver level for the access group. Options are Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.

Access Groups Modal

Search fields

IDText field. Filters by the access group code in senhasegura.
NameText field. Filters by the access group name in senhasegura.
TypeText field. Filters by the module to which the access group is linked.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Name.
  • Type.

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