Automation report
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Automation report

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Article summary

In this report, you’ll find information about:


Show filtersIt’s identified by the magnifying glass icon. Displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateIt’s identified by the counterclockwise arrow icon. Refreshes the page.
View actionsIt’s identified by the three vertical dots icon. Displays a drop-down menu with possible actions for the reports.
NewDrop-down menu option, identified by the + icon. Opens a new page to add a new automation.
Print reportDrop-down menu option, identified by the printer icon. Opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVDrop-down menu option, identified by the sheet of paper icon. Download the report.
Schedule reportDrop-down menu option, identified by the clock icon. Open the form Schedule report.

Search fields

IDFilter by the automation identification number.
NameFilter by automation name.
TypeFilter by authentication types: Web Authentication, and Application Authentication.
Application pathFilter by the application's path on the system. For example, for apps: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Ssms.exe, e %windir%\system32\mmc.exe. For web:, and
TagsFilter by the tags used to help in the search for automation.
EnabledFilter, by the state of automation, Can assume two values: Yes or No.
FilterButton to run the configured filtering process.
ClearButton to clear filled fields and start a new search.

The results are displayed in a list format, with columns named after the corresponding fields. The list presents some information that isn’t included in the search fields:

  • New: displays the date and time the automation was created.
  • Author: displays the name of the user who created the automation.


EditAllows you to make changes to the registered automation.
View actionsIt’s identified by the three vertical dots icon. Displays a drop-down menu with possible actions for the reports.
CloneAllows you to clone the registered automation.
DisableAllows you to turn off automation.

GO Windows Agent Automation

In this report, you’ll find information about the description of the fields of the GO Windows agent installed on your workstation.

Description of the Automation application

  • In the top left corner is the search bar.
  • In the top right corner is the update button.
  • In the center, the automation configured on the senhasegura platform appear.
    • Automation: automation name.
    • Type: what is the type of execution for the automation.
    • Associated credential: shows which credential is associated with the automation. There can be two types of automation, the one registered in the GO Endpoint Manager module and the one registered through the PAM Core module using the RemoteApp functionality. See the difference between them below.
      • RemoteApp automations: are registered in PAM Core for RemoteApp and are always associated with a credential. By having access to the credential view, the execution of the automation is allowed. For example, consider a situation where authentication parameters have been configured in the RemoteApp, the automation will be executed based on the credential information associated with it.
      • Automations: are registered in GO Endpoint Manager for Windows and are accessible to users through access lists categorized as “automation”. If there are authentication parameters configured for the automation, the GO Automation application will ask the user to select a credential to perform the execution. However, if no authentication parameters are configured, selecting a credential is not required.

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