DAC permission
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DAC permission

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Article summary

In this article, you’ll learn how the DAC permission works, and how you can use it to Go Linux.

DAC permission functionality in Go Linux

GO Endpoint Manager for Linux supports execution masks for Discretionary Access Control (DAC) type permission. You can use values ​​ranging from 0 to 07777 to define permissions.

Description of DAC Permission values

The values follow the following distribution:

  • The first value, 0, indicates the start of the permission mask for the system.
  • The second value refers to special permissions a user can have.
  • The third value refers to write, read and execute permissions for the owner of the file or directory.
  • The fourth value refers to write, read, and execute permissions for a group of the file or directory.
  • The fifth value refers to write, read and execute permissions for other users of the file or directory.

DAC Permission Values

In the table below, we have the ranges of values ​​and specific constants:

ConstantValue ranges for path.perm
setuid04000 to 07777.
setgid02000 to 03777 e 06000 to 07777.
sticky01000 to 01777, 03000 to 03777, 05000 to 05777, and 07000 to 07777.
owner_read00400 to 00777, 01400 to 01777, and 02400 to 02777.
owner_write00200 to 00377, 00600 to 00777, and 01200 to 01377.
owner_execute00100 to 00177, 00300 to 00377, and 00500 to 00577.
group_read00040 to 00077, 00140 to 00177, and 00240 to 00277.
group_write00020 to 00037, 00060 to 00077, and 00120 to 00137.
group_execute00010 to 00017, 00030 to 00037, and 00050 to 00057.
others_read00004 to 00007, 00014 to 00017, and 00024 to 00027.
others_write00002 to 00003, 00006 to 00007, and 00012 to 00013.
others_execute00001 to 00003, 00005 to 00007, and 00011 to 00013.

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