Introduction Linux
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Introduction Linux

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Article summary

This documentation is intended for Administrator users with access to the GO Endpoint Manager for Linux module in the senhasegura application. Operating systems based on Linux have a pattern of permissions with segregation by entities (owner, group, and others) combined with read, write and execute actions, which reduces the possibility of granularity in environments. 

It means that not even a privileged user can make changes that jeopardize the functioning of a critical system. However, some situations require work and high risks, such as managing permissions on several Linux machines in a network or creating permissions at the Kernel level. For scenarios like these, senhasegura offers to GO Endpoint Manager for Linux. 

The CaitSith technology provides the professional with a powerful tool that increases the granularity of actions on the Linux device to the level of actions in the Kernel and centralizes all actions in a single place. Thus, it integrates all the management resources by consolidating decision-making and replicating the fleet of equipment it manages.

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