Register alias policies
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Register alias policies

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Article summary

When creating a New rule, the Alias tab allows the creation of aliases (alternative names for commands) through GO Endpoint Manager for Linux. You can create shortcuts to manage the most used commands, streamlining the use of the terminal.

  1. Access the senhasegura platform.
  2. Navigate to GO Endpoint Manager➔Policies➔Linux➔Access Policies.
  3. Click ⁝ and select the option New rule to create a general policy.
  4. At the Access policy register form, in the Main tab, complete the fields:
    • Policy name: define an easy-to-identify name. 
    • Enabled: if enabled, the policy will be applied across devices.
    • Guideline: select a policy type.
    • Allow or block: set to Allow.
    • Rule text: fill with handler="/usr/bin/secpack-trec-triggered"
  5. Click Add.
  6. Go to the Alias tab.

    Be careful when filling out the alias for commands that may affect the use of the system.

  7. Complete the fields:
    • Alias: fill in the full path of the command you want to use.
    • Command: fill in the full path of the command you want to replace.
  8. Click Save.
In the Linux terminal, use which [the command you want] to find out the path of the binary.

Check created aliases

  1. Access the Linux terminal.
  2. Enter the command:
cat /etc/senhasegura/aliases

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