Uninstallers report
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Uninstallers report

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Article summary

You can find it in the report uninstallers, information about:


Show filtersIt is identified by the magnifying glass icon. Displays or hides the search fields present on the screen.
UpdateIt is identified by the counterclockwise arrow icon. Refreshes the page.
View actionsIt is identified by the three vertical dots icon. Displays a drop-down menu with possible actions for the reports.
Print reportDrop-down menu option identified by the printer icon. Opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVDrop-down menu option identified by the sheet of paper icon. Download the report.
Schedule reportDrop-down menu option identified by the clock icon. Open the form Schedule report.

Search fields

NameFilter the name of the application.
TypeFilter by Application or Uninstaller.
VendorFilter the name of the application vendor.
Include userFilter the user who added the application to GO Endpoint Manager.
IncludeFilter the start date that the user was added.
untilFilter the end date that the user was added.
Last useFilter what was the starting date of the last time the application was run.
untilFilter what was the end date of the last time the application was run.
EnabledFilter if the application is active/inactive on the workstation.
FilterButton to run the configured filtering process.
ClearButton to clear filled fields and start a new search.

The results are displayed in a list format on the screen, with columns named after the corresponding fields. The list presents some information that is not included in the search fields:

  • Code: application identification number.


EditAllows you to change the application registration.
View actionsIt's identified by the three vertical dots icon. Displays a drop-down menu with possible actions for the reports.
App versionsCheck the installed application versions.
Application detailsView details about the application, date added, checksum, and user added.
EventView events related to application usage and actions performed using the application.

An application is unique to senhasegura, regardless of its installation folder and the name of its binary. GO Endpoint Manager is able to identify the different versions of applications and centralize the registration to create segregations.

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