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Article summary

In this article, you’ll find the backup options supported by senhasegura.


For users employing a backup agent, it’s recommended to install the agent on the same server as the remote directory designated for storing backup files.


You’ll receive an email or a SIEM notification if the system loses access to the remote backup directory.

Backup options

Backup of secrets (Break the Glass)

The backup of secrets encrypts all confidential data, allowing storage on an external device distinct from the senhasegura instance. The Break the Glass procedure is intended for emergencies, granting access to credentials solely via a master key.


This backup isn’t for system recovery but serves as a means for customers to retrieve credentials if senhasegura becomes completely unavailable.

System Backup

The system backup periodically stores senhasegura system information, including data, settings, software, applications, and access records aligned with the customer's security policies.


Reconstruction is time-consuming and demands significant disk space.

Video backup of proxy sessions

Encrypts all video recordings of senhasegura proxy sessions.


senhasegura recommends allocating a remote backup size of at least 150% of the space size in the /var directory of your senhasegura instance. For example, if your /var size is 10GB on the senhasegura server, it’s suggested to have at least 15GB for remote backup. This will help you plan for future recordings based on your usage frequency.

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