How to configure the Crypto Appliance: first steps
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How to configure the Crypto Appliance: first steps

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Article summary

In this article, you’ll find the first steps to set up the Crypto Appliance.


To perform the steps below, you’ll need the unique credentials for your Crypto Appliance, which you should have received after purchase. If you don't have them, please request them through our Support Portal.


  • A physical device.
  • A monitor and keyboard.
  • 2 network cables.

Step 1: Connect the iDRAC

  1. Connect 1 network cable to the iDRAC (iDRACport).
  2. Connect 1 network cable to the interface (port 1).
  3. Connect the monitor and keyboard.

Step 2: Configure the iDRAC Network

  1. Turn on the managed system.

  2. During the Power-On Self-Test (POST), press F2.

  3. In the System Configuration Menu, select iDRAC Settings. This will open the iDRAC settings page.

  4. Click Network. The network configuration page will be displayed.

  5. Configure the network options as follows:

    5.1. Under Enable NIC, select Enabled.
    5.2. From the NIC Selection dropdown menu, choose one of the following ports based on your network requirements:

    • Dedicated: allows the remote access device to use the dedicated network interface available on the remote access controller. This interface isn’t shared with the host operating system. Note that Dedicated options are displayed on blade servers as Chassis (Dedicated).
    • LOM1.
    • LOM2.
    • LOM3: this may not be available depending on the server model and network card selection.
    • LOM4: this may not be available depending on the server model and network card selection.

    5.3. In the Failover Network dropdown menu, select one of the remaining LOMs. If one network fails, the traffic will be routed through the failover network. This option is disabled if NIC Selection is set to Dedicated.
    5.4. If iDRAC needs to automatically adjust the network duplex mode and speed, choose Enabled under Auto-Negotiation. This option is available only for the Dedicated mode.

    5.5. Under Network Speed, select 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps. 1000 Mbps is available only if the Auto-Negotiation option is enabled.
    5.6. Under Duplex Mode, select either Half Duplex or Full Duplex. This option is disabled if Auto-Negotiation is set to Enabled.

  6. Common Settings:

    6.1. Register the iDRAC in the DNS if there’s a DNS server in your network infrastructure. These are the basic setup specifications for more sophisticated capabilities like SSO, smart card services, Active Directory, or LDAP directory services. To register the iDRAC:

    • Enable Register DRAC in DNS.
    • Enter the DRAC DNS name.
    • Select Auto Config Domain Name to automatically acquire a domain name from DHCP or provide the DNS Domain Name.
  7. Configure IPv4 settings following these steps:

    7.1. Select Enabled for Enable IPv4.
    7.2. Select Enabled for Enable DHCP to automatically assign the IP address, gateway, and subnet mask to iDRAC. Alternatively, select Disabled and enter the values for:

    • Static IP Address.
    • Static Gateway.
    • Static Subnet Mask.
  8. Configure IPv6 settings by following these steps:

    8.1. Select Enabled for Enable IPv6.
    8.2. To allow DHCPv6 server to automatically assign the IP address, gateway, and subnet mask to iDRAC, select Enable Auto Configuration.
    8.3. In the Static IP Address 1 box, enter the static IPv6 address.
    8.4. In the Static Prefix Length box, enter a value between 0 and 128.
    8.5. In the Static Gateway box, enter the gateway address.
    8.6. If using DHCP, enable DHCPv6 to obtain the primary and secondary DNS server addresses from the DHCPv6 server. If necessary, configure the following:

    • In the Static Preferred DNS Server box, enter the static IPv6 DNS server address.
    • In the Static Alternate DNS Server box, enter the static alternate DNS server address.
  9. Click Back.

  10. Click Finish. The Save Changes pop-up will appear.

  11. Click Yes to save the changes. The network information will be saved, and the system will reboot.


After configuring the iDRAC IP address, change the default username and password.

For more information on setting up iDRAC9 with Lifecycle Controller, consult the Dell documentation.

Step 3: Configure the device IP address

  1. Log in as the root user on the login screen.
  2. Access the network configuration file at /etc/network/interfaces and run the command:
sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces
  1. Locate the line referring to the IP address and uncomment it.
  2. Enter the desired IP address for the appliance.
  3. To save and exit the text editor (vim), press Esc, type :x, and Enter.
  4. Restart the device to apply the settings.

Step 4: Configure the senhasegura VM

  1. In the appliance terminal, run the command xl list to get the name of the senhasegura VM (E.g., senhasegura or ss-p).
  2. Next, access the senhasegura VM by running the command xl console VM [vm name]. Replace [vm name] with the name obtained in the previous step.
  3. You’ll be redirected to the senhasegura login screen.
  4. Log in with the senhasegura administrative credentials:
  • User: mt4adm

  • Password: mt4adm


    After the first login, you’ll need to create a new password.

  1. Run the command sudo orbit hostname to change the default device hostname and generate a valid application activation code. Wait for the success message confirming the operation.

It’s recommended to change the hostname to ensure the successful creation of a valid activation code.

  1. After correctly configuring the network interface, adjust the NTP server to synchronize the server time using the command:
sudo orbit ntp --servers=SERVER1,SERVER2 --listen-interface=eth0
  1. To apply the settings, reboot the device using the command:
sudo orbit shutdown --reboot

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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