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Article summary

In this document, you’ll find detailed information regarding the MySafe extension’s Password details card, the New password, and the Edit password screens.

On the MySafe extension's home screen, within the Passwords section, there's a list of passwords stored in MySafe. These passwords were either added by the user or shared with their account by another MySafe user. Each password is represented by its own card. By default, the cards are displayed in a compact format. However, clicking on the password's name reveals an expanded card, providing more detailed information about the password and offering options to perform actions on it.

Path to access

  1. Click the MySafe extension on your browser bar.
  2. In the bottom menu, click MySafe, represented by the key icon.
  3. Under Passwords, click the password you want to manage.


Password details compact card

The table below displays the information and available actions for the password card in its compact format.

NameOn the left side of the card, represented by the globe icon, displays the name assigned to the password.
Go to URLOn the right side of the card, represented by the external link icon, takes the user to the website where the password is registered.
LoginOn the right side of the card, represented by the login icon, searches for login fields on the current web page and fills them with the data from the selected credential.
Copy passwordOn the right side of the card, represented by the two sheets of paper icon, copies the password to the user’s clipboard.

Password details expanded card

The table below displays the details and available actions for the password card in its expanded format.

URLURL of the website where the password is being used.
UsernameCredential’s username.
TagsKeywords associated with the password.
TOTPThe token generated based on the secret key provided along with a clock indicating the remaining valid time for the token. This field is only available if a base32-encoded secret key was provided when creating or editing the password.
Copy usernameRepresented by the two sheets of paper icon, copies the username associated with the password to the user’s clipboard.
Copy passwordRepresented by the two sheets of paper icon, copies the password to the user’s clipboard.
Copy TOTPRepresented by the two sheets of paper icon, copies the generated token. This field is only available if a base32-encoded secret key was provided when creating or editing the password.
Edit passwordRepresented by the paper and pencil icon, opens the Edit password screen. This button is only available if the user has permission to edit the password.

New password/Edit password screens

Path to access the New password screen

  1. Click the MySafe extension on your browser bar.
  2. In the bottom menu, click New item, represented by the plus icon.

Path to access the Edit password screen

  1. Click the MySafe extension on your browser bar.
  2. In the bottom menu, click MySafe, represented by the key icon.
  3. Under Passwords, click the password you want to manage.
  4. Once the password card expands, click Edit, represented by the paper and pencil icon.

Form fields

Name*Name assigned to the password.
URL*URL of the website where the password is being used.
Username*Credential’s username.
Password*The password being added or edited. The eye icon displays or hides the password you’re typing. The refresh icon automatically generates or updates a safe password for you.
Secret keyThe base32-encoded secret key used to generate the TOTP. The eye icon reveals the secret key. The QR code icon allows you to scan and read the secret key from a QR code.
TagsKeywords associated with the password.
NoteObservations about the password.

The items with an asterisk are mandatory.

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