How to update the platform
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How to update the platform

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Article summary

With the orbit upgrade command, you will be able to update all the senhasegura platform packages. This includes the operating system packages, proxy, web application, and security settings.


Please validate that your instance can access the official Senhasegura mirror servers using the following URLs:

Prepare the update

Run the command sudo apt-get update to update the list of available packages on the official mirror.

Use the –show or –check arguments to list which packages will be installed.


Do not execute the command "apt-get upgrade". 

If you run it, use "orbit upgrade" to fix any problem.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit upgrade --check
fajita-server-senhasegura-image/updates-buster 1.0.9-10~buster amd64
[upgradable from: 1.0.9-9~buster]
orbini/buster 5.10.13-28~buster all [upgradable from: 5.10.13-27~buster]
orbit-cli/buster 1.1.0-22~buster all [upgradable from: 1.1.0-21~buster]
senhasegura-app/buster 3.1.11-8~buster all [upgradable from: 3.1.11-7~buster]
xrdp-senhasegura-image/updates-buster 1.0.9-10~buster amd64
[upgradable from: 1.0.9-9~buster]

Update the instance

To update the instance, just run the command orbit upgrade. Orbit will initially validate the binary version orbit, and if the need to update it is acted upon before starting the other updates, a message will be displayed containing the update instructions.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit upgrade
A new version of your system will be installed.
Are you sure you want to proceed: y

Checking for new versions. Please wait...

A new version of orbit-cli is available.

Run apt-get install orbit-cli before continue.

Once the binary orbit is updated, run the orbit upgrade command again to update all other updates.

The update process will display several messages related to the tasks being performed and restart the services several times during the process. An error message will be displayed at the end of the update cannot be performed. Otherwise, a success message will be displayed.


Always run the orbit version command to validate the version that was installed after the upgrade process.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit upgrade
A new version of your system will be installed.
Are you sure you want to proceed: y█

Checking for new versions. Please wait...


[2020-06-17 16:17:18]: Checking firewall...
Firewall normalized
No errors reported

[2020-06-17 16:17:29]: Restarting robots...
No errors reported

Duration: 4m3.881937248s

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