How to configure the monitoring
    • 8 minutes to read

    How to configure the monitoring

    Article summary

    In this documentation we will only describe the hardware, operating system and monitoring services that can be queried through the SNMP protocol and the Zabbix agent. In addition to SYSLOG messages that can be forwarded to SIEM systems and notification emails triggered by Orbit.


    Some notifications are sent via email or SMS to configured users.


    We don't allow the installation of monitoring agents not approved by the senhasegura . Only the tools described in this document are approved for use.

    Monitoring through Zabbix


    The installed version of Zabbix Agent is 4.0. If you need to install a higher version, please contact our support team.

    By default, the Zabbix Agent service will be inactive on the instance. To activate it, access the menu Orbit Config Manager > Server > Services, locate the Zabbix Agent service and click on the Start action.

    To configure the Zabbix Server that will receive the data:

    1. Go to menu Orbit Config Manager > Settings > Application.
    2. Fill in the Server IP and Server Connection Port fields with the destination server data
    3. If you want, you can add up to 3 servers, just fill in the server IP and the connection port to the server.
    4. Fill in the Listen IP field with the instance access interface IP.
    5. Finally, keep Listen Port with port 10050.

    To set up an access using TLS, use the Orbit Command Line so that the data Identity and Pre-shared key be presented.

    Monitoring through SNMP

    The instance has support for SNMPv2 and from version 3.8 there is support for SNMPv3 configured only by Orbit Command Line. See the Orbit Command Line documentation for more details.

    Through the Orbit Web interface, it is possible to configure the servers allowed to read and the community, through the menu Orbit Config Manager > Server > Settings.


    The SNMP service will be restarted with each change.

    Monitoring through SYSLOG (SIEM)

    The senhasegura is compatible with the most used SIEM tools in the market and offers support for the transmission of messages in CEF, Syslog (RFC 5424), and Sensage formats.

    To configure access the menu Orbit Config Manager > Settings > Application > Syslog configuration and fill the following fields:

    • Message format: Refers to the selected format of the message to be sent, which can be CEF, Syslog (RFC 5424), or Sensage.
    • Notification plugin: Used only in cases of paid customization projects. Keep this field at its default value. It is not recommended to manipulate this control without the supervision of the Support team.
    • Message sending protocol: Choose between TCP or UDP.
    • Network Connector: Refers to the network connector to send the message.
    • Use network connector: Indicates if the network connector selected will be utilized in the Syslog message-sending configuration.

    Sending syslog messages to the SIEM via network connector is only possible when using the TCP protocol. UDP is not supported.

    • Servers for message sending: A list of IPv4 servers, separated by commas, that will receive the messages.

    Orbit alerts and incidents

    Some alerts are specific to modules and features of senhasegura . These alerts are monitored by Orbit and forwarded to certain users depending on their criticality.

    To configure the recipients to receive these alerts, go to the menu Orbit Config Manager > Settings > Applications and add the emails in the field Notification e-mail. The pending solution incidents will be presented in the menu Orbit Config Manager > Application > Incidents.


    The emails will be sent whenever the incident is created or updated. Only the types and event LOG_EMERG, LOG_ALERT, LOG_CRIT and LOG_ERR will be notified.


    Incidents of the type LOG_CRIT generate email sending to all users logged in at the moment and will also be echoed to users who are logged in SSH in the instance senhasegura. Users who are in proxy sessions through the senhasegura Web Proxy or senhasegura Terminal Proxy will not receive these echoed notifications.

    Application activation

    The activation key is required to use the application. The access to your application will be blocked in DAYS.




    • Get in touch with our support team to renew your application license.

    Mysql Service

    Mysql service failed: MESSAGE




    • If you are running a senhasegura cluster environment, first at all assume the next node as Primary.
    • If you are running into a DR schema, enable the DR instance as primary.
    • After normalize the environment, isolate the problematic instance and start a database recovery mirroring the new primary instance.

    DB Cluster

    Database Cluster failed: MESSAGE




    • First at all assume the next node as Primary.
    • After normalize the environment, isolate the problematic instance and start a database recovery mirroring the new primary instance.

    Cluster Replication Health

    The node cannot apply write-sets as quickly as it receives them: AVGVALUE
    The node flow control was paused to a long time: FLOWCONTROLVALUE
    Replication throttling or network throughput issues: AVGQUEUE_VALUE




    • Network latency should be configured. At the Orbit cluster configuration set that nodes are in different data centers.

    Cluster Replication Issues

    Node is not synced: STATUS




    • Checkup if the node can reach the others cluster members and reconfigure the problematic node.

    Database Primary key increase alert

    Database Primary key increase alert: Table TABLE_NAME




    • Execute the Primary key maintenance procedure located at senhasegura PAM Solution.

    Remote partition problem

    Your remote partition has a problem! Please check your mounted partitions.




    • Check if the target device can be reached by the senhasegura instance.
    • Check if the credential used to authenticate is enabled and has the right permission to access the device.
    • Check if the target device support the configured protocol.

    Inodes usage

    Inodes block usage problem: DETAIL




    • Execute the INODE maintenance procedure located at senhasegura PAM Solution.

    Disk Usage

    Disk space usage problem: DETAILS




    • Attach a new virtual disk to the instance and execute the partition resizing.

    Files Replication

    Replication interval is too long! Last sync: TIME
    Replication error! Pack: ID




    • Session files replication failure. Execute the rsync manually as described at Force files resync procedure at senhasegura PAM Solution.

    Application version

    Application version is different between nodes: DETAILS




    • Execute orbit upgrade into all instances.

    System restart required

    One or more processes require a full reboot.




    • Execute the system reboot. Into a cluster environment you should reboot one instance by time given the right time to the cluster identify every cluster leave and entrance.

    Master key not set

    Master key not set. It is not possible to create a backup of your credentials.




    • Perform the Master Key ceremony.

    Master key guardian inactive

    Master key guardian inactive. You have inactive guardians in the system, redo the master key process.




    • Check if the guardian made wrong its login and disabled its user. If it is not the case, redo the master key process.

    Proxy Service alert

    Proxy Service not running: DETAILS




    • Restart the service using orbit service command. If the problem continue, restart the instance.

    Default E-mail Account

    E-mail Account is not set up




    • Register an SMTP account.

    System without initial key settings

    System without initial key settings. Run the system setup wizard to resolve this issue.




    • This error should appears only into not configured instances. Execute the deployment steps to solve the incident.

    System key is missing or corrupted

    System key is missing or corrupted. Contact system administrator immediately.




    • The system key, generated into deployment stage, is not found. It can occurs when an really old backup is restored with an updated senhasegura software. Call our support team.

    Default password not changed

    The system default user account password must be changed. Use the command 'orbit security password' to change it.




    • Execute orbit security password to change the default password.

    Server configuration tuning not applied

    The server configuration tuning is different from the minimum required.




    • Check if the hypervisor changed the virtual machine hardware profile. After given the right hardware configuration to to the instance, perform the tuning again.

    The size of your data partition is dangerously small. Please expand your disk capacity or add a new disk.
    The size of your audit log partition is dangerously small. Please expand your disk capacity or add a new disk.




    • Attach a new virtual disk to the instance and execute the partition.

    Orbit Notify

    Error to sent e-mail alerts: DETAILS




    • Check if the configured SMTP account has the right network, security and authentication configuration.

    Application backup error

    Remote Server SERVER: DETAILS




    • Check if the target device can be reached by the senhasegura instance.
    • Check if the credential used to authenticate is enabled and has the right permission to access the device.

    Network connector agent unavailable

    The network connector agent has primary unavailable. AGENT, PORT.
    The network connector agent has secondary unavailable. AGENT, PORT.




    • Activate the network connector.


    The Orbit Web schedules several asynchronous operations of settings that will be applied on the instance server. These operations generate execution logs (not detail logs) that can be followed in the following reports.

    • Application: All senhasegura application layer logs, including user operations and Orbit operations. Alerts also will appears into this logs.
    • API: WebService A2A requests. No sensitive data will be displayed.
    • Operations: Accessed by the Orbit Config Manager > Logs > Operations menu, you will be able to see all Orbit operations that have been requested, date/time and request:
      • Hostname, NTP, DNS, SNMP and Gateway settings definitions.
      • Zabbix and Syslog definitions.
      • Backup, remote partition and Cluster definitions.
    • Task execution: Accessed by the Orbit Config Manager > Logs > Task execution menu, you can follow the execution of these operations. That is, the moment of change of state of the operation from time to time.
    • Replication: Cluster node status and logs.
    • Backup: Backup definition and execute logs.
    • Database: MariaDB operationa and error log.
    • Web server: NGINX access and error log.

    In this same menu you'll have access to other service logs of the operating system. Use only for diagnosis.

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