Reference for credential filtering
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Reference for credential filtering

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Article summary

To access the credentials report, access Grid Menu > PAM Core > Credentials > All.

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Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon. Displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon. Refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon. Displays the possible actions for the page.
NewRepresented by the sum icon, it opens the credential registration form.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon. It opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the sheet of paper icon, it downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon. It opens the window for scheduling the report.

When you click on Show filters, a series of fields are displayed. These are used to refine your search results. They are:

IDFilter by the credential's registration code in senhasegura.
DeviceFilters by the device registered with senhasegura to which the credential is linked.
UsernameFilters by the name of the user registered with senhasegura.
Credential typeDrop-down menu. Filter by credential type. The options are:Domain Admin, Domain User, Local Administrator, Local User, and SSH Key.
Just in timeDrop-down menu. Filters by taking into account whether the credential has JIT access enabled. It can beYesorNo.
Additional informationFilters for additional information that has been registered with the credential.
Device typeDrop-down menu. Filter according to device type.
ProductFilters according to the device model to which the credential is linked.
VendorDrop-down menu. Filter by the vendor of the device to which the credential is linked.
DomainDrop-down menu. Filter by credential domain.
SiteDrop-down menu. Filter by the site that is registered with senhasegura.
ConnectivityDrop-down menu. Filter according to the connectivity protocol the credential has.
Credential tagsFilters according to the tags that are linked to the credential.
Device tagsFilters are made according to the tags linked to the device.
IdentifierText field. Filters according to the Password ID for access via webservice.
StatusDrop-down menu. Filter by the status of the credential in senhasegura. It can be Enabled or Disabled.
Last useIt opens a calendar for you to choose the last date the credential was used. This date will serve as the start date for the filter interval.
untilIt opens a calendar for you to choose the last date the credential was used. This date will serve as the end date of the filter range.
Password set?Drop-down menu. Filters according to the status of the credential's Password field. It can beYes or No.

In addition to these options, you have two buttons: Filter, which applies the parameters passed into the fields, and Clear, which clears all the parameters.

Below is a list of all the credentials and devices that meet the filtering criteria. The results are grouped by device and presented as follows:

  • Device name: indicates the device's name in senhasegura followed by the IP address or hostname, where applicable.
    • For example: Debian10 (
    • The device name is followed by some information about the device, in order: Device's type | Device's vendor | Device's site | Device's ID
      • For example: Server | Ubuntu | Local | 100.

Note that the device name is clickable. Clicking on the device name will take you to the Device Registration window. For more information on this window, see the reference on devices or the document on how to add a device to senhasegura.

Thus, within each section grouped by device, you have information on the credentials linked to the device that match the filtering criteria applied. The credential fields are presented as follows:

  • ID.
  • Type.
  • Just in time.
  • Username.
  • Additional: refers to additional information. This field is filled in when registering a new credential, specifically in the Additional information field of the credential registration form.
  • Domain.
  • Tags.
  • Last view: refers to the last credential query.
  • Session status.
  • In the Action column, you have three options:
    • Start session: represented by the computer icon, starts the session on the indicated device with the indicated credential.
    • View: opens the Secure credential password display and transfer form.
    • Three vertical dots: opens a drop-down menu with the possible actions for the credential. They are:
      • Details.
      • History.
      • Edit.
      • Clone.
      • Exceptional access.
      • Delete.

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