Web sessions
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Web sessions

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Article summary

In this document, you’ll find all the information about the Web sessions home screen, which shows the list of all Web session parameters created in the PAM Core module.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Settings > Access > Web Sessions.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, it refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon, it shows all the possible actions for the report.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon, it opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the paper sheet icon, it downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon, it opens the Schedule report form.

Search fields

IDIdentification number of the order in which the parameters were registered.
ProductThe device’s target of the session.
Login UrlURL of the website login page that will be used.
HTTP Auth RealmHTTP authentication, if required by the website.
Firefox legacyOption to use an older Firefox browser. The options are Yes or No.
Ignore certificate errorAn option that will ignore the certificate error if the web application has it. The options are Yes and No.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Product.
  • Login Url.
  • HTTP Auth Realm.
  • Firefox legacy.
  • Ignore certificate error.
  • Action:
    • Edit: represented by the pencil and paper icon, it opens the Web Session Parameters window where you can make the necessary changes.
    • Three vertical dots icon: a drop-down menu with the options to Clone a parameter or Delete them. In both actions, click Yes in the confirmation box to do so.

The report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the next button at the end of the report.

Web Sessions Parameters

Device product*Choose from the options which device will be accessed by the session.
Use Firefox legacy*Choose from the options to activate this function or not.
Ignore certificate errorChoose from the options to ignore possible certificate errors when accessing the session.
Login UrlWrite the URL address that will be accessed.
HTTP Auth RealmWrite to HTTP authentication, if required by the website.
Customize settingsClick on the plus icon and fill in the available fields.

Customize settings - fields

Each action that will be added comprises seven elements, configuring each step necessary for authentication.

  • Wait (ms): waiting time in milliseconds before the action occurs. The time for the first action must be adjusted to the page rendering time.
  • Action: type of action that will simulate a user authenticating on the website. Some of these actions have additional properties.
    • Simulated Click: an automation that generates clicks directly through the website. Example: The click is performed by the console.
    • Real Click: a real person clicking, it's a real click. Example: as if a real person performed the clicking action.
    • Run JS command: inserts a command in javascript, to execute a command.
    • Mark: is used to mark checkboxes and radio buttons.
    • Simulated Fill: fill in the automated fields (requires the Value field filled).
    • Real Fill: fill in the fields as if it were done by a real person (the Value field needs to be filled).
    • Roll: list selection, data listing.
    • Select: contains a Select element with options to select. Example: is a drop-down list with elements for the user to select.
    • Submit: an HTML element of type submit for sending data. Example: is a button used to send data that sends all the values ​​filled in the form.
    • Captcha: is a challenge and response test used to determine whether the user is human. Example: It may contain letters, numbers, among others, in different fonts and different handwriting.

      In this step, it’s necessary to fill in according to the image shown so that it’s possible to continue with the other steps.

  • Field: can be used jQuery selector to identify the target field of the action to be performed or field inspection can be done to identify the target field.
  • Value: this value will be used to fill in the field. Values ​​can be set, you can fill using tags like:
    • [username]: the sign-in credential username.
    • [password]: the credential password.
    • [device_ip] or[device_name]: the IP, DNS, or URL of the credential associated with the device.
    • [user_custom_code] and [token_totp]: tags for starting web sessions with a third authentication field.
  • Attempts: The number of times the automation should try the action if it fails.

    The reasons for failure often range from a wrong selector, an inappropriate action, or even not having had time to make the page for automation to find the desired field.

  • Interval (ms): this is the time the automation must wait until the action is resumed, the first action has an appropriate number of attempts and interval time.

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