Screen notification parameters
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Screen notification parameters

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Article summary

In this document, you'll find all the information about the Parameters functionality for screen notifications.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper left corner, click Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Notifications > On-screen notifications > Parameters.

Notifications window - Parameters

Enable NotificationsRadio button to enable on-screen notifications.
Standard Display Time (ms)Determines the time, in milliseconds, that will serve as the default for screen notifications. The system default is 5.000 ms.
Polling time (ms)Polling time refers to the time interval, in milliseconds, in which senhasegura checks for new notifications to be displayed. The system default is 60.000 ms.
Maximum number of notifications on screenIndicates the maximum number of notifications displayed on the user's screen.
Enable Desktop DisplayRadio button to enable the display of notifications in the user's browser.
Enable Desktop Display Operating SystemRadio button to enable the display of notifications on the user's desktop.
Enable Screen DisplayWhen this option is activated, if the user accesses a screen that doesn't have a side menu, the notifications will be displayed in the top corner of the screen.

In case both options, Enable Desktop Display and Enable Operating System Desktop Display, are activated at the same time, senhasegura will display notifications only on the user's desktop.

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