User posture
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User posture

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Article summary

In this document, you’ll find detailed information about the Sessions with occurrences detected screen, which displays dashboards with information about a specific user based on their interactions with senhasegura resources.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Behavior.
  2. In the side menu, select User posture.

User profile dashboard

Dashboard that displays the user’s general information.

StatusLocated in the upper-left corner of the dashboard, it displays the user's status. The possible options are Online and Offline.
PhotoLocated in the center of the dashboard, it shows a photo of the user or a person icon if the user hasn't added a photo.
NameBelow the photo or person icon, it displays the user's name.
IP addressRepresented by the computer icon, it shows the user's IP address.
Last accessRepresented by the clock icon, it displays the date and time of the user's last access. Formats: MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM.

Behavior dashboard

Dashboard that displays general information about the user’s accesses.

Period with greater userRepresented by the sun icon, it shows the time of day with the highest usage by the user. The possible options are Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
Total loginsRepresented by the padlock icon, it displays the total number of logins made by the user. Clicking on this item opens the Access control screen.
Recording timeRepresented by the camera icon, it shows the total recording time of sessions in hours and minutes. This value is the sum of recordings from all sessions performed by the user.
Average lengthRepresented by the clock icon, it displays the average duration of each session.
LocationsRepresented by the location pin icon, it shows the number of locations from which the accesses originated. Clicking on this item opens the Access by location screen.

Sessions dashboard

Dashboard that displays the number of remote sessions conducted by the user. Clicking on this dashboard opens the Remote sessions screen.

Sites dashboard

Dashboard that shows a pie chart with the number of sessions conducted at each site, i.e., each geographic location of the device. Clicking on this dashboard opens the Remote sessions screen.

Rating evolution dashboard

Dashboard that displays an XY chart with the history of a user's assessment based on their behavior.

X axisAxis displaying access days. Format MM/DD.
Y axisAxis displaying the user's score on a specific day.
Note: the higher the score, the more reliable the user is.
Rating eventsLocated in the upper-left corner of the dashboard and represented by the eye icon, it opens the Rating events report.
Note: only records related to the logged-in user are visible.
Zoom in/Zoom outLocated in the upper-right corner of the dashboard and represented by the addition and subtraction icons, they zoom in and zoom out on the data displayed in the chart.
Selection zoomRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it allows selecting a portion of the chart and zooming in on the selected area.
PanningRepresented by the hand icon, it allows moving the chart.
Reset zoomRepresented by the home icon, it returns the chart to its initial position.
MenuRepresented by the three vertical bars icon, it opens a dropdown menu where you can choose a format to download the chart. The available options are Download SVG, Download PNG, and Download CSV.

Device type dashboard

Dashboard that displays a pie chart with the number of sessions the user conducted on each type of device. Clicking on the chart opens the Remote sessions screen, showing only the sessions for the selected device types.

Device criticality dashboard

Dashboard that displays a pie chart with the number of sessions grouped by device criticality. Clicking on the chart opens the Remote sessions screen, showing only the sessions for the selected device criticalities.

Credential criticality dashboard

Dashboard that displays a pie chart with the number of sessions grouped by device criticality. Clicking on the chart opens the Remote sessions screen, showing only the sessions for the selected device criticalities.

High risk sessions dashboard

Dashboard that displays a report with the high-risk sessions conducted by the user.
The external link icon opens the Sessions with risk screen.

DeviceColumn that displays the IP address of the device where the session was conducted. Clicking on the desired IP address opens the Device access profile screen.
CredentialColumn that displays the credential used in the high-risk session. Clicking on the desired credential name opens the Credential access profile screen.
DateColumn that displays the date and time when the session took place. Formats: MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM.
DurationColumn that displays the duration of the high-risk session. Format: HH:MM:SS.
ScoreColumn that displays the score of the high-risk session. Clicking on the displayed number opens a pop-up screen with information about the reasons for the score.
Magnifying glass iconOpens the Access details screen.
Video of sessionRepresented by the play icon, it opens the Video of session screen.

Suspicious events dashboard

Dashboard that displays a report with sessions where suspicious events were detected.

DetailColumn that displays the type of suspicious event.
DateColumn that displays the date and time when the event was recorded. Formats: MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM.
Magnifying glass iconOpens the Access details screen.
Video of sessionRepresented by the play icon, it opens the Video of session screen.

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