AD Bridge
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AD Bridge

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Article summary

This document provides information about the AD Bridge form, which contains information about AD Bridge configuration in senhasegura.

Path to access

  1. In senhasegura, on the navigation bar, hover over the Products Menu and select Settings .
  2. In the side menu, select System Parameters > Global > AD Bridge.

Connection settings

LDAP UriText fieldNoLDAP server URI address.
PortaText fieldYesLDAP server connection port. The default value is 389.
Usar SSL?Radio buttonNoDefines if the connection will use SSL. The options are Yes or No.
DomínioDropdown menuNoList of available domains for authentication.
Credencial para autenticaçãoDropdown menuNoSelects credentials for LDAP server authentication.
DN BaseText fieldNoBase DN used for LDAP searches.
DN BindText fieldNoDN Bind used for LDAP authentication.

UsernameText fieldNoLDAP attribute that defines the username.
User HOME directory pathText fieldNoUser's home directory path.
User shellText fieldNoPath to user's shell.
Policy synchronization timeDropdown menuNoDefines the periodicity of automatic policy synchronization.
Time in MinutesDropdown menuNoSpecifies synchronization time in minutes, if applicable.

User Synchronization Settings

AddButtonNoAdds a blank entry at the end of the list.
User DNText fieldNoDN of the user to be synchronized.
User filterText fieldNoLDAP filter to restrict synchronized users.
User UIDText fieldNoLDAP attribute that defines the user UID.

Group Synchronization Settings

AddButtonNoAdds a blank entry at the end of the list
Group DNText fieldNoDN of the group to be synchronized.
Group filterText fieldNoLDAP filter to restrict synchronized groups.
Group nameText fieldNoLDAP attribute that defines the group name.

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