How to batch import users
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How to batch import users

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Article summary

Batch Import allows you to quickly create a set of users by uploading a properly filled spreadsheet. This feature is useful for automating the management of large user bases.

Some important points about batch import:

  • The import is based on a spreadsheet, according to the import file.
  • Imported spreadsheets are recorded in the system and can be recovered if necessary.
  • Users that do not exist will be created during the import.
  • Users who are already registered in senhasegura and are reimported will be updated.
  • The quickest way to undo an incorrect import is to correct the spreadsheet and import it again.
  • It is recommended not to import a file with more than a thousand items, as this action can consume many server resources and reduce its performance.

Import file

To download the import template file, follow the steps below:

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select User Management > Batch import.
  3. In the top bar, click on Import.
  4. To download the file:
    1. In the Add file screen, click on Template file button to download the import_users.xlsx file.
  5. To upload the file:
    1. In the Add file screen you can click or drag the file to the Drag and drop section.

Filling out the template file

To perform the import, it is necessary to correctly fill out the import spreadsheet. In the spreadsheet, you’ll find the following fields to fill in:

  • Name: add the user's name.
  • Username: add the user's username.
    • Note: this field will indicate whether the user will be created or changed.
  • Password: add the user's password.
    • Note: if this field is not filled in, the password will not be updated.
  • Department: add the department linked to the user.
    • Note: if it doesn't exist, the department will be created
  • E-mail: add the user's e-mail address.
  • Phone: add the user's phone number.
  • Active: fill in Yes or No to inform whether the user is active or not.
  • Ignore MFA: fill in Yes or No to say whether you want to ignore multi-factor authentication.
  • Roles: add the permission that the user can execute.
    • Note: must be an existing role
  • User group: add the user group that the collaborator belongs to.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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