How to manually create an activation token
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How to manually create an activation token

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Article summary

Integrating the senhasegura platform and Okta happens through a manually generated token. In this article, you can find a step-by-step guide to generating this token in the Postman tool.


senhasegura carried out this documentation utilizing the Postman platform. The steps described are specific and may require adaptations for other apps.


Step 1: Collect information

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Provisioning > Identify Management (IGA) > Providers.
  3. Locate the desired third-party provider from the reports list.
    5.Click the Actions button and select Provider details.
  4. The Register Identity Manager Provider window will provide some of the information required to generate the integration token.
    5.1. Base URL: copy the URL to use in the next step.
    5.2. Token URL: copy the URL to use in the next step
    5.3. Customer ID: click the eye icon to access and copy the information.
    5.4. Client Secret: click the eye icon to access and copy the information.

Collect information from the provider related to the type of group you intend to provision — whether it’s for internal users or third-party users. Choosing the correct option ensures that when you push groups from Okta to senhasegura, they'll appear in the corresponding menus.

Step 2: Create the access token manually

  1. Open Postman.
  2. In the left-side menu, click Collections and then + Create new collection.
  3. Enter the name of the new collection.
  4. In the Variables tab, create the variables for the collection:
    4.1. Create the variable senhasegura_url.
    4.2. Create the variable scim_base_url.
    4.3. Create the variable tokenUrl.
    4.4. Create the variable scim_client_id.
    4.5. Create the variable scim_client_secret.
  5. Still in the Variables tab, complete the Initial values field of the created variables:
    5.1. In senhasegura_url, enter the address of the senhasegura server.
    5.2. In scim_base_url, paste the information collected in step 1 into the Base URL field.
    5.3. In tokenUrl, paste the information collected in step 1 into the Token URL field.
    5.4. In scim_client_id, paste the information collected in step 1 into the Customer ID field.
    5.5. In scim_client_secret, paste the information collected in step 1 into the Client Secret field.
  6. Save the changes.
  7. In the Authorization tab, complete the information:
    7.1. Type: select OAuth 2.0.
    7.2. Add auth data to: select Request Headers
    7.3. Header Prefix: enter Bearer.
    7.4. Token Name: enter a descriptive name.
    7.5. Grant Type: select Client Credentials
    7.6. Access Token URL: enter {{tokenUrl}} .
    7.7. Client ID: enter {{scim_client_id}} .
    7.8. Client Secret: enter {{scim_client_secret}}.
    7.9. Client Authentication: select Send as Basic Auth header.
  8. Click Clear cookies.
  9. Click Get New Access Token.
  10. In the window indicating complete authentication, click Proceed.
  11. Copy the text from the Access token field.
  12. Click Use token.

You'll receive a confirmation message with the text Token added. You must paste this token into the authentication screen of the Okta SCIM application.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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