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Article summary

This document provides information about the Providers report screen, which displays details about authentication providers.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, on the navigation bar, hover over the Product Menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Authentication > Providers.

Actions menu

ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print report, Export CSV, and Schedule report.

Search fields

NameText fieldFilters by the authentication provider name in senhasegura.
EnabledDropdown menuFilters providers by their activation state in senhasegura.

Report Fields

  • ID: the provider’s identification code in the system.
  • Provider: name of the authentication provider.
  • Order: number that indicates the priority sequence of the authentication providers used by the system.
  • Enabled..
  • External Authentication: indicates whether the authentication method uses third-party services to verify credentials. Providers classified as Yes redirect the user to an external interface, while those classified as No perform the authentication process internally.
  • Actions:
    • Disable: disables an authentication provider.
    • Enable: enables an authentication provider.
    • Edit: opens the Authentication Providers screen in edit mode.

Authentication provider

This section provides information about the Authentication provider screen where users can edit an authentication provider.

NameText fieldYesName of the authentication provider.
OrderQuantity inputYesIndicates the authentication provider's priority.

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